Hey, Are you looking for Bone Marrow transplant in Kolkata?
Now you search ends here, Below we have listed top 10 best bone marrow transplant in Kolkata.
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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024
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Doctor | Rating | Experience | Fee |
Dr. Anju Jain | ---- | 3131 years of experience | ₹ 1000 |
Dr. Saurav Kumar Ghosh | ---- | 1919 years of experience | ₹ 880 |
Dr. Prantar Chakrabarti | ---- | 2828 years of experience | ₹ 1320 |
Dr. Jayesh Kumar Jha | ---- | 2121 years of experience | ₹ 880 |
Dr. Vivek Agarwala | ---- | 1616 years of experience | ₹ 600 |
Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharyya | ---- | 1414 years of experience | ₹ 1000 |
Dr. Tamojit Chaudhuri | ---- | 6 6 years of experience | ---- |
Dr. Sarmila Chandra | ---- | 2828 years of experience | ---- |
Dr. Sanjay Sen | ---- | 2626 years of experience | ₹ 1000 |
Hey, Are you looking for Bone Marrow transplant in Kolkata?
Now you search ends here, Below we have listed top 10 best bone marrow transplant in Kolkata.
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