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Best Hair Transplant Procedure Clinics in Chennai

Desire Aesthetics

Desire Aesthetics

Anna Nagar, Chennai

Multi-Specialty Hospital

Q-100, 3rd Avenue, Anna Nagar

8948 KM's away






Dr. A.sivakumar
Dr. A.sivakumar

Plastic Surgeon

31 years of experience

Dr. S.sridevi
Dr. S.sridevi

General Physician

10 years of experience

Dr. R Murali
Dr. R Murali

Trauma Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon

29 years of experience

Dr. Nischita Balaji
Dr. Nischita Balaji


13 years of experience

Dr. U. Begum
Dr. U. Begum

Plastic Surgeon

26 years of experience

Dr. Devanesan.m
Dr. Devanesan.m


23 years of experience


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Consult Desire Aesthetics

Pearl Health

Pearl Health

Alwarpet, Chennai

Number 16/24, TTK Road, 1st Cross Street

8952 KM's away






Dr. Sasikumar Muthu
Dr. Sasikumar Muthu

Hair Transplant Surgeon

24 years of experience

Dr. Shwetha Rahul
Dr. Shwetha Rahul


18 years of experience


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Consult Pearl Health

Raj Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery & Nethra Eye Care

Raj Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery & Nethra Eye Care

Anna Nagar, Chennai

2037, 15th Main Road

8947 KM's away






Dr. M Rajkumar
Dr. M Rajkumar

Hair Transplant Surgeon

29 years of experience

Dr. Vijayashankari
Dr. Vijayashankari

Glaucoma Specialist

24 years of experience


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Consult Raj Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery & Nethra Eye Care

Lakshmi Health Centre

Lakshmi Health Centre

Mogappair West, Chennai

Plot Number 2, PC-6, First Floor

8943 KM's away






Dr. M Rajkumar
Dr. M Rajkumar

Hair Transplant Surgeon

29 years of experience

Dr. Vijayashankari
Dr. Vijayashankari

Glaucoma Specialist

24 years of experience


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Yarllagadda Dermatology And Orthopaedic Clinic

Yarllagadda Dermatology And Orthopaedic Clinic

T Nagar, Chennai

Multi-Specialty Hospital

11/C, Habibullah Road

8951 KM's away






Dr. Sindhura Mandava
Dr. Sindhura Mandava


15 years of experience

Dr. Madhukiran Yarlagadda
Dr. Madhukiran Yarlagadda

Orthopedist And Traumatology Specialist

15 years of experience


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Consult Yarllagadda Dermatology And Orthopaedic Clinic

Dr. Pari's Skin & Hair Clinic

Dr. Pari's Skin & Hair Clinic

Velachery, Chennai

4/40, Sarathy Nagar

8948 KM's away






Dr. T Pari
Dr. T Pari


29 years of experience

Dr. Pari T
Dr. Pari T


36 years of experience


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Consult Dr. Pari's Skin & Hair Clinic

Tvaksara Skin Hair Laser & Aesthetic Clinic

Tvaksara Skin Hair Laser & Aesthetic Clinic

Navalur, Chennai


8948 KM's away






Dr. Thenmozhi P
Dr. Thenmozhi P


17 years of experience

Dr. Balaji Ap
Dr. Balaji Ap


17 years of experience


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Consult Tvaksara Skin Hair Laser & Aesthetic Clinic

Dermis Skin & Hair Clinic

Dermis Skin & Hair Clinic

Adyar, Chennai

60/D , 1st Floor , Ashwin Arcade , Venkatarathinam Nagar

8952 KM's away






Dr. Ganga Ravikumar
Dr. Ganga Ravikumar

Aesthetic Dermatologist

40 years of experience


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Sky Clinic

Sky Clinic

Madipakkam, Chennai

4 Ashif Complex , Bazzar Main Road, Ram Nagar South

8947 KM's away






Dr. Chithra Thenramasamy
Dr. Chithra Thenramasamy


16 years of experience


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Aestiq Skin Hair And Laser Clinic

Aestiq Skin Hair And Laser Clinic

T Nagar, Chennai

11/C, Habibullah Road,

8951 KM's away








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Top 10 Hair Transplant Procedure Clinics Near Chennai

Hospital RatingDoctors Location
Desire Aesthetics


6Anna Nagar, Chennai
Pearl Health


3Alwarpet, Chennai
Raj Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery & Nethra Eye Care


2Anna Nagar, Chennai
Lakshmi Health Centre


2Mogappair West, Chennai
Yarllagadda Dermatology And Orthopaedic Clinic


2T Nagar, Chennai
Dr. Pari's Skin & Hair Clinic


2Velachery, Chennai
Tvaksara Skin Hair Laser & Aesthetic Clinic


2Navalur, Chennai
Dermis Skin & Hair Clinic


1Adyar, Chennai
Sky Clinic


1Madipakkam, Chennai
Aestiq Skin Hair And Laser Clinic


----T Nagar, Chennai

Questions & Answers on "Hair Transplant Procedure" (57)

How do I cure my androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenic alopecia is a genetic problem that is triggered by epigenetic influences.

High quality, ultrarefined fue hair transplant surgery is the treatment of choice in case there is significant thinning/baldness.

In Hair transplant, one has to remember a few things-

1. Hair transplant is an ART. A natural result is very important. We take care of that by ensuring absolutely natural angles and directions of the transplanted grafts.

2. Equally important is density (how many grafts are transplanted per square centimetre). In 25 years of my experience, I have found that no one is satisfied by a low density hair transplant.

A great hair transplant, therefore, is one where the patient puts forward his choice of hairline design, on the one hand, and the doctor gives a natural look as well as the best possible density using all the available grafts from the patient's scalp, beard and body donor areas.


For the remaining areas, where the patient is noticing early hairfall or diffuse thinning, it's important to improve the epigenome of the patient.

Epigenome can be best described as the inner environment of the body, especially, around our genes. Epigenome is affected by a wide variety of things including diet, exercise, stress, illness, pollution etc. A stressed/flawed epigenome is why we find :

1. People losing hair 10 years before their previous generations.

2. Hairfall is preceded by an adverse event like an illness or change of diet, water or location.

Till recent times, doctors did not use to pay attention to these factors, taking them to be incidental in a disease largely governed by our genes.

However, correcting these epigenetic anomalies goes a long way in reducing or even reversing hairfall.


Epigenetic measures are more personalised according to patient history and involves feeding the hair follicle roots/stem cells by a microneedling based, home-use approach.

More details are available on request.

(Please note that we don't advocate medicines with questionable effects and serious side effects like finasteride.)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a baldness in my crown area. Hair transplant is the only option?

Male | 32

Hair transplant is one of the most effective and commonly chosen options for addressing baldness in the crown area of the scalp. Whether it is the right option for you depends on various factors, including your individual circumstances, preferences, and the extent of your hair loss. Talk to a hair transplant surgeon in your area. You can also opt for non-surgical options for managing hair loss in the crown area, such as medications or low-level laser therapy. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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When to wash hair normally after hair transplant?

Female | 29

After hair transplant first head wash can be done on 5th day with a mild shampoo. 
after that on every alternative day shampoo can ve done and with water you can wash on daily basis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to remove a scar from the last FUT procedure. Any suggestions regarding treatment would be deeply appreciated. It has made my life extremely difficult.

Male | 36

 FUT scars cannot be permanently removed but we can definitely minimize it's visibility

There are two options

One is scalp micro pigmentation and the other is FUE method of transplant on the FUT scar

Answered on 24th Jan '25

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Ma'm Sat sri Akaal ji. My name is Rajvinder singh 26 yrs. Old. I have lost my hairs from upper side of my forehead. 1inch towards back and from left upper side to right upper side. I am planning to do hair transplant. So please guide me about this and Reply ASAP. I'll wait for your humble response. Email. +917696832993

Male | 26

Hair transplant is a procedure that involves extracting hair from  donor area and transplanting it to the bald area. The results of this procedure may vary from person to person depending on the donor hair available, the experience of the doctor etc. It is advisable to meet a hair transplant surgeon in person for proper evaluation and understanding whether you are eligible for hair transplant or not. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, Can we donate blood while we undergo PRP treatment?

Male | 28

No, blood donation is not recommended, while undergoing PRP treatment for at least 3-4 weeks.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I am 19 years old and my hairs are gone thickerr can i try for prp

Male | 19

Yes, you can try PRP treatment. But it is essential to first consult with an experienced hair transplant surgeon. Based on your medical history and other factors, he will determine if you are the right candidate for PRP treatment or not. If  not, he may suggest some alternative treatments that may help you manage your hair loss.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Doctor please help me i am 19 year old and i have high hair fall but i still manage to have good hair but its very low compared to the hair hair i had when i am 16 year old i have consulted doctor and he told if am that worried i can start using minoxidil+finasteride topical solution 5% should i start using it or should i wait. if i start using should i use daily or weakly 5 days

Male | 19

It's quite common to have worries about baldness at a young age. Hair loss may be a result of stress, poor diet, or hereditary factors. Minoxidil combined with finasteride can be beneficial for hair growth, but it is crucial to use it according to the doctor's instructions. Daily use may be needed for maximum effect. 

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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What are the different types of hair transplant techniques? 

Male | 34

While FUT procedure involves taking a thin strip of skin from the back of the head, the FUE procedure is more minimally invasive as it involves small punches made with 0.7 to 0.8 mm punches in the donor area.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir i have hair fall problem can i do Keratin

Female | 33

Yes, you can undergo a Keratin hair treatment to help reduce hair fall. Keratin treatments are designed to help strengthen and nourish the hair and reduce breakage. However, it is important to keep in mind that Keratin treatments should not be used as a primary treatment for hair loss. You should speak to your doctor to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss and the best treatment options for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What to expect 2 months after hair transplant?

Female | 34


If you are talking about results after hair transplant,then in that case you need to wait. After 2 months of hair transplant, transplanted  hair would be in shedding phase which would continue upto three or three and a half month. 
So you would not be able to see much difference in your hairloss condition. But at that period you should continue with your regular medication to get the good results.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to do PRP treatment. How much cost it is.

Male | 30

PRP treatment is 2500 cost
For GFC cost is 5000 
per sitting 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi i need to do hair prp as i have done a hair transplant outside the country do you provide this service

Male | 36

As you have already done with hair transplant. You can opt for PRP sessions to improve your existing hair growth. At DMC-TRICHOLOGY we treat these cases by our signature treatment Advance HGP 2.0. 
Advanced HGP-2.0 is the best treatment that has embarked on the revolution in curing hair loss. It is a unique combination of advanced techniques that help in halting hair loss and promoting hair growth. Cutting-edge technology and tailored protocols are designed in such a way that cater to the needs of  each individual to give unmatched results.

Benefits of the DMC-Advanced HGP 2.0
• The treatment is a combination of the benefits of the low-level laser light and HGP technology to give superior results.
• These treatments work symbiotically reducing hair fall and helping with further regrowth of hair.
The treatment has no downtime and daily activities can be resumed right after the session

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Doctor my name is Anup, I m sufferings from burn eyebrow need to transplant it should possible.

Male | 31

Yes,  burned eyebrows can be treated with eyebrow transplants. The procedure involves take hair follicles from some parts of your body and transplanting them in the area where your eyebrows are burnt. I advise you to please consult a reputed hair transplant surgeon for it. After proper evaluation, he will tell you whether you are eligible for eyebrow transplant or need some other treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello ma'am, I am a 27 years old girl. My hair has gotten thinner. I wanted to have a permanent solution. So I would like to go for a hair transplant. But I am not bald, it's just I want it to look good. Should I go for surgery?

At 27 years of age in females, the decision to go in for hair transplantation has to be taken after a proper checkup and trichscopic examination ( microscopic evaluation of scalp along with the hair shafts ). But as an overview you can understand that hair transplant is not done in females for hair fall or generalized thinning but when the thinning has gone to the extent of visible skin showing through the thinning of the hair. Before it reaches this stage of visible loos there are other more conservative methods of treatment and therapies which can be of help and should be tried first. In case the loss is to the extent that at places skin is visible more esp at the place of parting or the front or the middle portion of the head then it is an indication to go for hair transplantation in females.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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