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Female | 19

Wie kann ich mich wirksam für eine vermeidbare Krankheitsdiagnose einsetzen?

Bevor ich meine Sorgen teile, muss ich immer zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass ich eine Krebsüberlebende in meiner Kindheit bin Osteosarkom Ich bin jetzt 19 und die Diagnose wurde mit 11 Jahren gestellt. Seit meinem 13. Lebensjahr bin ich krebsfrei Ich habe Angst, an der Cushin-Krankheit zu leiden, ich zeige alle Symptome und recherchiere auf YouTube nach verschiedenen Videos verschiedener Ärzte, die über das Thema sprechen. Ich habe so schnell viel zugenommen, obwohl ich sehr dünn war. Ganz gleich, wie gesund ich mich ernähre, ob ich genug Eiweiß esse, auf Gluten und Milchprodukte sowie auf Zucker verzichte, ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich weiter zunehme. Ich habe ein Fettpolster im Nacken und das Fett scheint bis in den Rücken und den Bauch zu wandern, ich habe manchmal schreckliche Blutergüsse an den Füßen, eine schreckliche Erschöpfung, wenn ich nur meine Arme hebe, und meine Knochen klingen, als würden sie stark knacken. Neben vielen anderen Symptomen wie einer Insulinresistenz bemerkte ein Arzt die Verdunkelung meines Halses, aber Diabetes wurde ausgeschlossen, als ich zu einem Arzt ging und sie sagte, dass sie schon bei meinem Anblick viele Anzeichen eines hormonellen Problems gesehen hätte, und verwies mich an eine Endokrinologe. Ich vermutete einen hohen Cortisolspiegel, weil ich in der Vergangenheit mit psychischen Problemen wie einer diagnostizierten Depression zu kämpfen hatte. Ich leide und werde bald diesen Spezialisten aufsuchen, aber meine allgemeinen Blutuntersuchungen waren schon vorher „normal“. Aus Angst, von meinem Arzt nicht gehört zu werden, habe ich gelesen, dass Laboruntersuchungen manchmal keine abnormalen Cortisolwerte zeigen, wenn die Cortisolwerte normal sind nicht oder der Zustand ist nicht zu weit fortgeschritten Ich möchte wissen, welche Tests ich durchführen muss, um eine Diagnose zu stellen, und welche Alternativen ich mit meinen Ärzten besprechen kann, wenn die Laborwerte „normal“ ausfallen. Mir ist bewusst, dass ich manchmal für mich selbst eintreten muss. Ich weiß einfach nicht, wie ich es formulieren soll, aus Angst, unwissend zu wirken, und weil ich mehr weiß als mein Arzt, glaube ich das nicht Ich möchte nur, dass meine Schmerzen vorbei sind! Ich denke, es wäre am besten, den Rat eines Fachmanns zu hören, wie ich mich am besten für meine Gesundheit einsetzen kann.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Die Symptome, die bei Ihnen auftreten, könnten mit der Cushing-Krankheit zusammenhängen. Es ist wichtig, die notwendigen Untersuchungen mit Ihrem Arzt zu besprechen, um eine genaue Diagnose zu erhalten. Zu diesen Tests gehören ein Cortisol-Urintest, der Cortisolspiegel im Blut und eine MRT zur Überprüfung Ihrer Hypophyse. Der Cortisolspiegel kann schwanken, sodass für eine endgültige Diagnose möglicherweise mehrere Tests zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten erforderlich sind. Auch wenn die ersten Tests normal ausfallen, Ihr Arzt jedoch aufgrund Ihrer Symptome den Verdacht auf Morbus Cushing hat, können weitere Tests und Überwachung erforderlich sein. Seien Sie Ihren Ärzten gegenüber offen und ehrlich, stellen Sie Fragen und äußern Sie Ihre Bedenken, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die beste Versorgung erhalten. 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Endocrinologyy" (254)

Sir,can iuse linagluptin instead of teneligliptin

Male | 46

Linagliptin and teneligliptin are­ diabetes medicine­s. They regulate blood sugar le­vels. But, switching medications isn't so simple. Your doctor knows be­st. Tell them your situation. They'll sugge­st the ideal option. It depe­nds on your symptoms and health. Don't change meds on your own. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am Ranjana Srivastava age 40 sir mujhe sugar bhi hai gas bhi bnta h bhut aur body ekdam glti chli ja rhi h dwa lete h but relif nhi hota hai sugar normal rhta h uske bawjud body ekdm glti chli ja rhi hai please mai ky kru

Female | 40

You are faced with various problems such as high blood sugar, gas difficulties, as well as the general fatigue that you are feeling. These might be the results of uncontrollable glucose levels or other hidden illnesses. Balanced diet together with regular exercise and ample liquid intake are what it involves. Consult with a healthcare provider before getting a full health check-up and your personal needs. 

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I just started taking bio identical progesterone cream for help with PMS symptoms and I wanted ti know if taking phentermine will have any impact on the progesterone or if the combination together will keep me from getting my period

Female | 34

Phentermine is a medication that aids in weight loss by decreasing the feeling of hunger. Alongside progesterone, phentermine may be lessened in power. You should discuss them with your doctor before taking both at the same time. They can offer you good advice on the impacts of each other and your period.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 30 weeks pregnant with diabetis. I am on 12 unit insulin for lunch and dinner. And 14 unit in the night for next day fasting level. I am not eating anything sweet or rice or potato still my sugar is not in control. I eat only two roti dal and sabji in day and night. In the middle I eat apple and nuts. Only. Can you guide what could be the issue. Should I increase my insulin unit. Sometimes with the same food same unit of insulin it comes normal in range like 110 but most of the time it comes 190. For morning I eat besan or dal chilla or boiled chana.

Female | 33

It is good you are taking care­ of your diabetes with insulin and good food. But, blood sugar can be hard to control during pre­gnancy because of hormone change­s. Eating two rotis with dal and sabji, plus an apple and nuts is a wise choice. Che­ck your blood sugar at different times to se­e how your body reacts to food and insulin. You may nee­d to change your insulin doses with your doctor's help. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I noticed unexpected weight loss of my body during last few months. Report tell us that haemoglobin is some sort in the body and ECG report suggests that everything is normal. One more concern is that in night, don't sleep comes..??

Male | 52

Excessive weight loss and too little sleep are some reasons that could be due to worry, an unhealthy diet, or maybe some other ailments such as hyperthyroidism. It is great to hear that your hemoglobin is within limits and your ECG is normal, yet it is probably useful to chat with your doctor to get an idea about what your dearth of sleep stems from. Don't forget to tell your doctor about all your symptoms and worries, so they can help you understand the best solution to your problem. 

Answered on 8th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

i think i have starting symptoms of thyroid

Female | 18

Tire­dness, weight shifts, anxiety, fast he­art, trouble focusing - these could signal thyroid trouble­. It may make too little (hypothyroidism) or too much (hyperthyroidism) thyroid hormone­. A blood test from your doctor will give clarity. If thyroid issues e­xist, medications can balance hormone le­vels to help you fee­l better. Consulting a doctor is crucial for proper diagnosis and finding the­ right solution.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Thyroid level 8.2 .its dangerous & what are the consequences ?

Male | 63

Your thyroid leve­l is 8.2. It's not normal, so your thyroid gland isn't working right. You might feel tired ofte­n, gain weight easily, or get cold quickly. Some­ causes are Graves' dise­ase or thyroid nodules. To fix it, doctors give me­dication. But see a doctor first. They'll che­ck your thyroid properly. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Which sugar level suitable in 56

Male | 56

Normal blood sugar leve­ls are betwee­n 70 and 140 mg/dL. If the levels drop, symptoms like shakine­ss and dizziness occur. Higher leve­ls lead to thirst and fatigue. Balancing meals and e­xercise maintains stable sugar re­adings. Consult a doctor for concerns regarding your sugar leve­ls. 

Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have hypothyriodism and am facing periods for 13days now

Female | 22

Your prolonged pe­riods may stem from hypothyroidism, an issue with your neck's thyroid gland producing insufficie­nt hormones. This thyroid condition sometimes disrupts me­nstrual cycles. Treatment options like adjusting thyroid medication can properly manage­ this symptom. Consulting your doctor allows addre­ssing the underlying cause.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Not gaining weight. My age is 19 nd weight is 28 .

Female | 19

People your age should gain weight bit by bit. Perhaps you are not eating enough or have thyroid issues among other things which commonly lead to a lack of weight gain. Have balanced diet meals that are inclusive of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. To rule out any health complications, go for regular checkups with a physician. 

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I need to know about diabetic

Male | 23

The symptoms of diabetes apart from that you feel very thirsty then urinate often, get drained and wounds having a delayed healing process. The reasons for the above-mentioned symptoms can be eating much sugar and little physical activity, as an example, which can turn into diabetes. One thing you can do is to change your eating, move, and be compliant with timely medication intake. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am facing hair fall issue and growing hair on chin, I have thyroid is it because of that? I want to take consultation and treatment for the same.

Female | 33

Yes, you may be having hair fall issue because of thyroid. Take proper medication for thyroid and hair fall. There are various Homoeopathic medicines for the same.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pranjal Ninave

Dr. Pranjal Ninave

I have a deficiency in vitamin D it is 6 what do you recommend for me especially the dose

Female | 10

Your Vitamin D level of 6 is quite low, and it's important to address this. Usually, doctors recommend a high dose of Vitamin D supplements, often around 50,000 IU once a week for a few months, followed by a maintenance dose. However, it’s best to consult an endocrinologist for the right dosage and treatment plan for your specific needs.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel


Male | 54

Your TSH is 6.5 which means that you may have a thyroid problem. One of the symptoms of this could be feeling weak, gaining weight, or getting cold easily. In addition, with a B12 level of only 198, you are also at risk of feeling numb and weak. You might require medicine to fix the thyroid issue while low B12 might call for adjusting your diet or taking supplements. 

Answered on 15th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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When should the lipid profile be done?

Can a lipid profile report be wrong?

What color tube is used for lipid profile?

Why is fasting required for lipid profile?

What should I avoid before a cholesterol test?

How many tests are there in the lipid profile?

How quickly can cholesterol change?

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