Male | 15
Warum ist mein linker Hoden größer und härter?
Ich bin ein 15-jähriger Junge und habe kürzlich einen kleinen harten Ball vor meinem linken Hoden gefunden. Der linke Hoden ist auch größer und fühlt sich härter an als der rechte
Answered on 23rd May '24
Eine Hodentorsion könnte Ihre Symptome verursachen. Es verdreht den Samenstrang und blockiert so den Blutfluss zum Hoden. Schwellungen, Schmerzen und Verhärtungen sind die Folge. Suchen Sie schnell medizinische Hilfe auf.Urologenkann dieses schwerwiegende Problem umgehend behandeln und so Komplikationen vorbeugen.
62 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Urology" (998)
Premature ejaculation ki bimari hai, or ling me tanav na aata hai.
Male | 43
Treating premature ejaculation can include medications, psychological counseling, and sexual therapy. Psychological counseling and behavior therapy can help address underlying psychological issues that may be causing or contributing to the problem. Sexual therapy can help couples address relationship issues that may be contributing to the problem.
PS- Medications and treatments can be prescribed only after a proper diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
sir i go to the sex worker and i give her bolw job for 30 second and sex on the back side with condom now after 5 day my penis is burning what i do now ?
Male | 26
Burning when urinating, that uncomfortable sensation, may indicate an infection. Your urinary tract could have bacteria invading, causing irritation. Alternatively, a sexually transmitted disease could trigger similar symptoms. Staying hydrated helps flush things out, but seeking medical care is crucial.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
The length of my penis is 15.5 cm and its circumference is 12 cm is it Big or small ?
Male | 27
Penis size differs, like height and weight. A penis length of 15.5 cm and circumference 12 cm is normal. Don't stress about whether it's big or small. If there is no pain or urination issues, then medically, you have nothing to worry about.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
My left testicle is hurting since last night.
Male | 17
One of the causes of pain may be a hernia, a testicular injury inflammation, or testicular torsion. It is wise that you visit a urologist properly for a diagnosis and treatment. Kindly schedule a urology appointment as soon as the pain remains or worsens to avoid any problems from getting more serious.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I have something on my penis
Male | 25
If you have seen something for the only time on the penis, you, of course, should address it to a urologist. The symptom may be a manifestation of an underlying infection, or other medical problem.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I can't able to move my penis foreskin it is too tight and if I move it is painful
Male | 24
If I understand properly, you may have a condition known as phimosis, which is when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back. This can make cleaning difficult and may cause pain. It is usually caused by inflammation or infection. Applying gentle pressure or using a cream prescribed by your doctor could help. If it doesn’t get better, they might suggest doing something simple like circumcision. You should speak to a urologist about what would work for you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am %20year old boy college student after RGU test my penis length and girth size decrease what can I do now.
Male | 20
After a RGU test, it can be that some swelling and uncomfortable sensations give the impression of your penis having changed in size. Generally, these symptoms would subside on their own within a few days. The ideal way to recover is to drink a lot of water, wear loose clothes, and give your body time to rest. On the other hand, if you have any doubts or the symptoms remain, you should consult a urologist for further advice.
Answered on 26th July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Report check Seminal fluid analysis
Male | 28
A SEMINAL fluid analysis checks male fertility. It examines semen volume, sperm count, shape, and movement. The results determine if there is a PROBLEM with sperm production or function.. If there is an issue, treatment options include LIFESTYLE CHANGES, medication, or ASSISTED reproductive technology.. Consider consulting with a urologist or FERTILITY specialist for further guidance. These are some of the best fertility specialists who treat these issues along with other advance treatments
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I found out that after urinating, sperm comes out but not regularly, and whenever am talking to a girl like in an existing mood I see my sperm leak, I don't know what is going on
Male | 26
It's normal for a clear fluid called pre-ejaculate to come out of the penis after urination or during arousal. This fluid can contain a small number of sperm and might be more noticeable when you're talking to a girl or feeling sexually aroused.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Redness in urine place but no pain no itching only redness and fell strange conditions what is this and urine some time again and again unmarried
Female | 22
This may be caused by blood in the urine. But better to be on the safe side and consult a urologist if it happens often. Causes can be a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. It is important to drink enough water and keep away from foods that can irritate your bladder.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
My penis foreskin dont get down. If I try then started paining. Age -17
Male | 17
You might be suffering from phimosis- condition where the foreskin is too tight to be pulled over the head of the penis. It is very important that you go to a urologist who will examine you and give you the right diagnosis. The treatment options may involve topical steroid creams or in more serious instances, circumcision.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
How can I stop nocturnal emissions completely
Male | 18
Nocturnal emissions ("wet dreams ) are the physiological release of semen in sleep. It is a normal occurrence. It is crucial to keep nocturnal emissions away by taking care of the lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, a well-balanced diet as well as stress management. If you have concerns about nightly emissions, it is recommended to consult a urologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm 23 years old and I'm suffering from Peyronie's disease.. how can i get the medication
Male | 23
Peyronie's disease is a disease which entails a scar tissue development inside the penis causing it to bend or curve during erections. Consult with a urologist they can help you with proper treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
1. I feel some ball like things on my Scrotum which I don't know what it is and how to cure it 2. I also feel some things on my testis after doing a testicular examination
Male | 21
Diagnosis might be varicocele which refers to the occurrence of swollen blood veins in the scrotum. The scrotum is swollen due to a ball or a lump-like structure. It mainly doesn't hurt but it is likely to be experienced as something unpleasant or heavy. Varicoceles can be surgical solutions if they bother you or if they affect fertility. An appointment for an examination with a urologist would be a good idea to discuss your options.
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hello sir. This is Senthil kumar from Porur Chennai. I got circumcised 8 years back at SRMC. Since last three days I am suffering from itching and burning sensation in penis head. pls suggest medicine
Male | 35
It needs to be examined before any ointment is suggested. if it’s just fungal Infection then might just do with anti fungal ointment, if any inflammatory lesion then needs to know the reason behind it. Rare cases if long term redness then might need a biopsy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi I am 39 year male diabetic last 2 year. Currently my penies top getting red and itching .very painfully
Male | 39
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. N S S Gauri
My right testicle is hurting and is starting to swell
Male | 15
Testicular pain and swelling needs quick medical attention. THe main causes are testicular torsion, epididymitis, orchitis, inguinal hernia, trauma, or varicocele. Kindly consult a urologist near you for proper evalution and diagnosis of your problm.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I'm 17 years old and I pee almost every second when ever I stand ,I also get this ticklish feeling that makes me vibrate and very little drop almost every day almost two weeks now but if I am sitting down I don't get the urge to pee and if I sit for a long time when I stand up I pee immediately but the pee tends to be longer than the normal drops.this has been so embarrassing for me I can't even go to the hospital if not I might pee in the car.
Female | 17
This could mean that you have an infection in your pee parts. It could also mean that your pee bag is too active. Many things can cause these problems. Stress can make it happen. Not drinking enough water can also make it happen. Hormone changes in your body can make it happen too. It is important to drink plenty of water. Do exercises to train your pee bag. You may need to see a urologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Hi, can having a pimple on my penis be a signficant risk factor for HIV infection if I engage in vaginal sex? (With condom, the risk being fluids leaking into pimple)
Male | 33
The risk in such a case is quite low..Condoms are highly effective in reducing the risk of HIV transmission and other STIs when used correctly and consistently. But there is still a small possibility, so consult a doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
Please I always have pain in my penis every day and it occurs in night which I can sleep. It's ejaculate and very painful or less I find something to do or I bath and sometimes it discharged.
Male | 28
Based on the symptoms you have described, it seems like you have prostatitis. This can cause pain in the penis, especially at night or when you ejaculate. In some cases, men may have trouble urinating or may feel the need to urinate frequently. Prostatitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection, although other factors may also play a role. In some cases, the doctor will recommend antibiotics. It is important to visit a urologist to ensure a proper diagnosis and get the treatment you need.
Answered on 26th July '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
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