Male | 22
Warum schmerzt der Bereich um meinen Penis?
Ich bin ein 22-jähriger Mann. Vor kurzem habe ich festgestellt, dass der Bereich um meinen Penis, oder besser gesagt um meine Harnblase herum, schmerzt. Immer wenn ich gehe oder ein wenig drücke, tut es weh. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, ob es sich um eine Krankheit oder nur um Schmerzen handelt. Bitte teilen Sie mir die Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten mit. Danke

Answered on 11th Sept '24
Möglicherweise verspüren Sie Beschwerden im unteren Bauchbereich, insbesondere dort, wo sich Ihre Blase befindet. Möglicherweise ist eine Harnwegsinfektion (Harnwegsinfektion), die bei jungen Erwachsenen häufig vorkommt, die Ursache. Zu den Symptomen einer Harnwegsinfektion gehören schmerzhaftes Wasserlassen mit Brennen, häufiges Wasserlassen und Beschwerden im Blasenbereich. Es ist wichtig, dass der Körper ausreichend Flüssigkeit erhält und der Urin nicht zurückgehalten wird. Konsultieren Sie aUrologefür die richtige Diagnose und Behandlung.
5 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Urology" (991)
I have a burning sensation while passing urine and blood comes
Female | 27
You might have a urinary tract infection. These infections can bring along symptoms such as a burning sensation when urinating and making urine slightly bloody. The additional features include frequent urination and discomfort in the lower abdomen. In this case, you will probably be prescribed antibiotics that a urologist ordered. Aside from that, you should also drink enough water to help remove the infection from your body.
Answered on 10th Sept '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Sometimes after I masturbate I get an urge to pee which lasts from half an hour to an hour. And when I pee I feel burning sensation.
Male | 18
This could be due to irritation of the urinary tract. Masturbation can sometimes lead to increased blood flow and stimulation in the genital area. To address this, it's advisable to drink plenty of water to flush out any irritants and consult with a urologist. Additionally, urinating before and after masturbation can help flush out any potential irritants and bacteria.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
This morning I had blood in my urine and it was not there in the day when I peed. My due date is today or tomorrow. I am also having menstrual cramps. I'm unsure whether these periods are blood or infection.
Female | 19
The presence of Blood in Urine could indicate the presence of Infection of the urinary tract or stone of the kidney amongst other medical conditions. You better contact a urologist or a gynecologist to accurately diagnose and rectify the issue if the problem continues.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Prostate surgery ,urin not pass out from 5th days,
Male | 68
It is most unordinary for pee to stall after a prostate medical procedure. If you are unable to pee normally five days following surgery, it may be because of swelling or an obstruction. This can bring pain, the constant need to urinate, and the feeling of a full bladder. You should get in touch with a urologist immediately. They will be able to help identify what is causing the problem and give an appropriate treatment plan.
Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I believe I have peyronies my penis bends to the right when previously straight. I understand that you can loose size with this condition and as I have not got a large penis I am concerned.
Male | 70
You may be suffering from what is known as Peyronie’s disease where your penis becomes bent whereas before it was straight. Some signs can include an erection that is curved and possibly pain during intercourse. This occurs when scar tissue forms inside the shaft of the penis. There may also be some loss of length although not always; this varies from person to person.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I hv prostate enlargement detected last year nov 2023, sumptoms of urine flow, discomfort starte in sep 2022, allopathy doc recommended surgery , taking medicines to improve urine flow, pls guide
Male | 52
For prostate enlargement, treatment varies based on symptoms and health. Medication can be prescribed to improve urine flow, but if symptoms persist or worsen, surgery may be recommended. Consult with your urologist to discuss specific treatment options and make an informed decision.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Hello, I have had a UTI since July. The symptoms have appeased but I still have frequent urination.
Female | 27
It's not normal to have UTI symptoms for so long.. CONSULT a doctor.. Frequent URINATION can indicate UTI or other conditions.. UTI symptoms include burning during URINATION or cloudy URINE. Untreated UTI can lead to kidney damage or SEPSIS. Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush bacteria out of your system.. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods that irritate the BLADDER.. Antibiotics are necessary to treat UTI.. Finish the entire course prescribed by your doctor..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I feel testis pain today plzz suggest me best medicine
Male | Dev
Testis discomfort may arise from things such as injuries, infections, or inflammations. Common indicators are; swelling, redness, and aching in the testicles. To ease these symptoms, it is essential that one wears supportive undergarments and takes rests too while using over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen. If these signs persist or get worse, visit a urologist immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am 18 years old.and I'm a student.if I pee sometimes the blood comes out and I have sometimes lower stomach pain.its been like continuous for some time.but not frequently.tdy I am at periods and it's continuous for 6 days .and blood comes at pee holes .is it severe or I can consult it online or i have to meet doctor
Female | 18
These symptoms may be caused by a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. During periods, some women may suffer from more abdominal discomfort. However, bleeding from the urinary opening is not a normal occurrence. It is important to visit a urologist for a face-to-face consultation to get an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment.
Answered on 10th Oct '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I am a male aged 22 am been having abdomen back and testicle pain for 2 months now before this I had an sti gonorrhea I was given antibiotics but I think they only stop the symptoms for a little time what should I do
Male | 21
You've been experiencing discomfort in your abdomen, back, and testicles for some time. It's good that you've taken treatment for gonorrhea, but if the pain keeps returning, further treatment may be needed. The cause could be an infection that needs different antibiotics or another untreated STI. It's important to get a medical evaluation to find the exact reason for your pain and receive the right treatment. Contact a urologist for a thorough examination of your symptoms.
Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Yes I'm having a hard time staying jard
Male | 40
If you have any problem getting erect, it may indicate erectile dysfunction. A urologist should first be consulted to find out the underlying cause and provide the best treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Sex se deleted mera ling ek baar sex karne ke baad kada nahi hota hai kya kru
Male | 28
Experiencing difficulty getting an erection after having sex once could be due to various factors. This might include physical fatigue, psychological stress, medical conditions, or lifestyle factors. If it's an occasional issue, it might not be a major concern
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Hypersensitivity in penis glans
Male | 27
When a person has hypersensitivity in the glans, this means that the skin over the glans is too sensitive and causes discomfort and even pain. This can occur due to the reason for various contagions, irritants, or some ailments. Symptoms can include pain, redness, or itching. If you use a gentle way to clean the area, and avoid harsh soaps, and use a soothing cream when necessary.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
rojana nightfall hona 1 mahine me 30 baar
Male | 20
Nightfall is commin in young men but experiencing it 30 times a month is a sign of an underlying medical condition. When it comes to a proper diagnosis as well as treatment, the best course of action is to consult a urologist
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Sir i have bilateral varicocele of grade 1/2 . My testies is also swollen. Sir what should I do...can my testies get normal after I go for Varicocele surgery.
Male | 21
Vericocele is a swollen vein in the testicle that may be seen or felt around the scrotum and the testicle itself. There may be a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, and swelling. Using surgery can fix this. The testes can return to their normal state after the surgery. It is wise to get guidance from a urologist on what to expect and how to take care of yourself after the surgery.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I get an erection but if I turn to get into position for the act it goes off instantly. Could it be a lower back problem?
Male | 46
Your condition could be Erectile dysfunction and it can have various causes, including physical, psychological or a combination of both. While lower back problems can contribute to sexual dysfunction in some cases, it's important to note that ED is a complex condition with multiple potential causes.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
I have big veins in penis and premature ejaculation, i want treatment ,
Male | 25
You may want to consult a urologist for an evaluation and treatment options for your condition. They can perform a physical exam and run tests to determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment. Get treated promptly to avoid more complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
My boyfriend is experiencing a burn while urinating can what infection might hv caused such from me a his girlfriend
Male | 36
The constant burning while urinating that your boyfriend is going through could suggest that he most likely has a urinary tract infection. It would be better to ask him to consult a urologist or a GP for an accurate diagnosis and a suitable therapy.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Pain and swelling in left testicle
Male | 27
Pain and swelling in left testicle could be due to: 1. Testicular torsion - emergency situation, need to see a doctor. 2. Epididymitis - could be caused by a bacterial infection. 3. Varicocele - dilated veins in the scrotum, usually doesn't need treatment. 4. Testicular cancer - rare, but could be a concern.. 5. Inguinal hernia - could cause swelling in the groin area. It's important to see a urologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
Im 16 and i am having a urinal problem from the last week, a few drops of pee randomly comes out
Male | 16
Urinary leakage could be a condition called urinary incontinence. It is the involuntary leakage of urine and can be caused due to weak pelvic muscles, urinary tract infections, or nerve damage.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma
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