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Male | 23

Wie kann ich nach einer L1-Operation die Kontrolle über die Blase wiedererlangen?

Mein Name ist Shamer. Ich habe eine Operation, bei der L1 geplatzt ist, und ich habe die Kontrolle über Blase und Darm verloren. 11 Monate sind vergangen. Wie gewinnt die Blase wieder an Kraft?

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Der Verlust der Kontrolle über Blase und Darm ist schwer zu verkraften. Diese Probleme können nach einer L1-Burst-Operation aufgrund einer Nervenverletzung auftreten. Zu den Symptomen gehören das fehlende Bedürfnis, zu pinkeln oder zu kacken, oder das Urinieren. Die positive Nachricht ist, dass Sie mit Beckenbodenübungen und Blasentraining die Kontrolle über Ihre Blase wiedererlangen können. Bitten Sie Ihren Arzt oder Physiotherapeuten, einen Plan zur Stärkung dieser Muskeln auszuarbeiten. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurosurgery Treatment" (43)

Hello, This is Edu, I am 30 years. I injured my head even my face has seams like fat. When it started with my head my hair roots were very injured now continuing to half part of my face.

Female | 30

The fat-like stitches you are telling me about could be swollen tissue from the injury. The head injury side effects like irritated hair roots and swelling are the symptoms that would show up after a head injury. At the point of not seeking help for yourself, you put yourself at a higher risk. A doctor can diagnose the problem and pick the best remediation method for you which can be medication, wound care, or surgery. 

Answered on 30th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What deit should have brain tumor patients to avoid weaknesses and to be come healthy.

Female | 69

Brain tumor patients are advised to maintain a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Patients should also keep drinking water regularly to prevent dehydration.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Is Glioblastoma hereditary??

Female | 42

Glioblastoma is generally not considered hereditary. While some cases may be associated with genetic conditions, the majority occur sporadically due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I had a routine mri scan which has showed a possible 1mm dilated blood Vessell on my brain,is a dilated blood Vessell the same as an aneurysm?

Male | 44

A dilated blood vessel is not necessarily the same as an aneurysm, but it can sometimes indicate one. Follow up with a doctor for evaluation and any necessary treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Can a seizure cause paralysis?

Male | 53

Yes seizure can temporarily lead to paralysis

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I got strok recently and my sugar is also high. I am from jaigaon

Male | 52

Stroke care often requires a multidisciplinary approach with a team of specialists to provide comprehensive treatment. Visit your doctor and get a proper course of treatment to avoid future complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 48 years old and suffering from carpal tunnel from past 6 years. Earlier problem was not so much but now I am feeling numbness in my right hand while writing or doing any particular work. Should I go for surgery? Is there any physiotherapy after surgery and after how long I can do writing work as I am a teacher

Female | 48

You should go for surgery if your symptoms are very severe and make it difficult for you to do your everyday activities. Yes, after surgery, physiotherapy is done for better flexibility and strength. When can you resume writing and other work depends on the type of surgery you had and other things. It is important to listen to your doctor and start writing only after consulting him. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My name is shameer .I have surgery L1 burst .and loss control on bladder and bowel .11 months completed .how gain Bladder regaining power

Male | 23

It is tough to cope with the loss of control over the bladder and bowel. These problems may occur after L1 burst surgery due to injury to the nerves. Symptoms of this include not feeling the need to pee or poop or leaking. The positive news is that you can regain bladder control with pelvic floor exercises and bladder training. Request your doctor or physiotherapist to devise a plan for strengthening those muscles. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

my grandmother went into a coma caused by hepatic encephalopathy. she was completely fine until her hands started trembling and she started vomiting one morning. there were no symptoms before that. she does have liver cirrhosis. she was taken to a hospital approximately 12 hours after this happened and placed into an ICU with a ventilator. she regained consciousness in about 24 hours, after the ammonia had been flushed out from the brain and the chest. she was in critical condition, but has been recovering well. now off the ventilator she does have noticeable personality changes yet good memory. this to me is extremely scary. she also seems less aware of the environment and takes longer to answer. could these affects be temporary or permanent?

Female | 70

Hepatic encephalopathy, which is the cause of her coma, can result in some temporary changes in personality and slow thinking. This is because the liver is not functioning properly and the toxins are building up in the brain. However, these effects might be lessened with treatment and time. 

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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