Female | 43
Sollte ich eine Anti-VEGF-Injektion gegen choroidale Neovaskularisation in meinem linken Auge erhalten?
Patientin: Frau Kavita Dilip Dubal Datum: 10. August 2024 Alter: 42 Beschwerden: Verminderte Sehkraft auf dem linken Auge seit 15 Tagen. Erkenntnisse: Rechtes Auge: Sicht: 6/12P Diagnose: Myopie, Makuladegeneration, mosaikartiger Augenhintergrund Behandlung: Augentropfen zur ständigen Anwendung Linkes Auge: Vision: CF1Mtr. Diagnose: Degenerative Myopie mit choroidaler Neovaskularisation Empfohlen: Anti-VEGF-Injektion Frage: Sollten Sie mit der Injektion fortfahren oder andere Optionen prüfen? und was ist die Konditionierung des rechten Auges??

Answered on 3rd Sept '24
In Ihrem linken Auge besteht eine degenerative Myopie mit choroidaler Neovaskularisation, die zu einer Verschlechterung Ihres Sehvermögens geführt hat. In diesem Zustand wachsen neue Blutgefäße an der falschen Stelle. Die derzeit beste Behandlungsoption ist eine Anti-VEGF-Injektion, die verhindern kann, dass diese Gefäße Ihr Auge weiter schädigen. Mittlerweile leidet Ihr rechtes Auge an Kurzsichtigkeit, Makuladegeneration und einem mosaikartigen Augenhintergrund. Auch wenn Ihr Sehvermögen nicht klar ist, kann die regelmäßige Anwendung von Augentropfen bis zu einem gewissen Grad helfen, die Situation zu kontrollieren.
3 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)
Eye irritation went to sleep with my mascara on now my eyes are irritated
Female | 29
You should know that the eye irritation you woke up with, and your mascara particles could have been the cause. Mascara particles probably got into your eye while you were asleep. This might result in redness, itching, or even the feeling that a foreign body is sitting in the eye. You can treat your irritated eyes by getting all your makeup off and washing your face before sleeping. If these steps do not work then definitely seek the help of an ophthalmologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My dad is 75+ and have catract want free operation
Male | 76
Answered on 8th Sept '24
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I have got retinal gas treatment before 7 weeks, now is that possible to use air transport as of tomorrow?
Male | 50
You might notice changes in air pressure while flying after such a procedure. This could be uncomfortable or slow down the healing process. So, it’s better to postpone your trip until your eyes fully recover from surgery.
Answered on 28th May '24
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I m using steroid eye drops since one year… can be at risk of cataract or glaucoma
Female | 32
Long-term usage of steroid eye drops, like a year, can be risky. It may lead to cataracts or glaucoma. Cataracts cause cloudy vision. Glaucoma can result in eye pain and vision loss. To prevent these problems, regular check-ups with your eye doctor are essential.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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Hi I have ear and eye pain
Male | 35
Your ear and eyes hurt. This unpleasantness is likely an infection, like an ear infection or conjunctivitis. You might see redness, swelling, and fluid leaking. Warm cloth on the ear, cold cloth on the eye could help. But, if pain persists, visit an eye specialist.
Answered on 24th Aug '24
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I have zigzag blur vision for one hour it comes sudden and goes away less than one hour. It started from my schooling.
Female | 28
Ocular migraine may affect you, causing zigzag lines or blurry vision for an hour. It appears suddenly, that then vanishes alone. Stress, poor sleep, or certain foods trigger this type of migraine. To prevent ocular migraines, manage stress, sleep enough, and keep a food diary to spot triggers. If episodes persist or worsen, discuss them with an eye doctor.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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I have pain in my right eye in the right corner and it seems to be painful and When I move it and blink it hurts also if I press on it it is abit painful. I have had it for 1 to 2 days.
Male | 15
According to your description, you may experience eye strain. Overworked eyes are the main reason for this and they may cause discomfort. The most common symptoms are the sensation of pain in the right eye, especially when you move or blink. This can happen if you stare at the screens or read too long. To solve this, take breaks from screens, use warm compresses and rest your eyes. If it doesn't get better, go to an eye doctor.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
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I have -7.5 eye sight In right eye and -3.75 eye sight in my left eye .am I eligible for pwd low vision category
Male | 24
Significant nearsightedness in both eyes is what you have in effect. This, though, can be a challenge, not the case for people who have disabilities, and may not necessarily be a reason for low vision. You may have symptoms such as blurry vision and struggle to see things at a distance. Genetic factors or eye shape can be some of the causes. Glasses or contact lenses can be used to correct the vision. Be sure to see an eye doctor for a thorough assessment and advice.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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I am a 17 years old female who has had a lazy left eye for the past year and 9 months which I believe is called strambius
Female | 17
You might have a lazy left eye, which is also called strabismus. This is caused by the fact that the eye muscles do not function as they should. Sometimes, they can also lead to symptoms such as double vision or your eyes not looking in the same direction. Don't worry, there are treatments available, like special glasses, eye exercises, or even surgery, to help improve your condition.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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I have amblyopia, one of my eyes are lazy, I want to know if it can be treated by patching ?
Female | 21
Lazy eye, also called amblyopia, makes one eye see poorly compared to the other. It leads to blurry eyesight, doubled vision, and trouble perceiving depth. Children frequently experience this condition. One treatment involves patching the stronger eye, forcing the weaker one to work harder. This may enhance vision in the lazy eye. If symptoms occur, seeking an eye doctor's advice becomes crucial for suitable treatment.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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I am 19 years old and I have little bit pain in my eyes since 3 days ago. In the morning i washed my face with cold water and after that I'll get some relief but then again it stated pain in my eyes
Female | 19
Eye issues can be challenging, especially when you are young. At 19, eye pain may seem unusual, but there could be simple reasons behind it. One reason may be dry eyes from cold water exposure. Another could be eye strain from too much screen time. Staring at screens for long hours can make your eyes tired and sore. To take care of your eyes, take breaks from screens often. Look away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. Blink frequently to keep your eyes lubricated. Use eye drops for dry eyes to keep them moist and comfortable. If the pain persists, visit an eye doctor. An eye specialist can examine your eyes, identify the root cause, and provide proper treatment to relieve discomfort and prevent further issues.
Answered on 16th July '24
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My name Is Rikah I'm from Papua New Guinea age 25. I have been experiencing intense and severe both my two eyes for 1 year. I have been put on trail for TB medicine and it work, is it I'm a positive to Tuberculosis.
Male | 25
Yes, eye pain can be a sign of TB infection if your eyes are infected with it. TB can infect the eyes which in turn can lead to various health problems. Typical symptoms are the presence of eye pain, redness, and blurry vision. The medication for TB treatment should be followed strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Also, it is recommended to have regular check-ups to track your progress.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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Wind wafted a small amount of perfume into the side of my eyes. I'm currently experiencing discomfort and strange sensations in my eyes as a result of the perfume. I'm worried about going blind?
Male | 33
The perfume you're applying near your eyes might be causing discomfort, making them hurt. You may experience itchiness, watering, or a sensation of something in your eyes. It's important not to ignore this issue. Rinse your eyes with cold water for immediate relief. If the pain persists or worsens, please consult an eye specialist. They can guide how to manage your condition effectively.
Answered on 16th July '24
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Eye Related issue , I want to ask about my eye shape
Male | 20
It is best to approach an ophthalmologist if you have any doubts about your eye shape. They can give you a proper diagnosis and advice based on your unique medical history.
Answered on 9th Sept '24
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Hi… I wanted to do Contuora vision surgery for removing my spectacle . My age is 42 and powers are -5 cylindrical and -1 spherical with 110 and 65 axis. One doctor suggested that with -5 cylindrical power Contoura vision cannot be done and go for Refractive Lens Exchange / clear lens exchange or ICL. I visited another ophthalmologist for second opinion as I don’t want to extract my natural lens ,and he suggested that I can go with Contoura vision for spec removal. Now I am confused . Should I go with CV. At this point i am not interested to extract my natural lens. Looking for some help in this regard from experts. It’s a matter of eyes. I also have reading glass .
Female | 42
CV is a laser procedure to reshape the cornea, while RLE involves replacing the natural lens. ICL is another lens-based option. To make an informed choice, discuss your cornea's suitability for CV, the effectiveness of each procedure for your prescription, and potential risks with your doctors. Seek a third opinion if needed, as your eye health is important.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am from pakistan there is blood in my left eye
Male | 38
If there is blood in your left eye, then it is a symptom of a severe eye condition. I highly recommend you to see an ophthalmologist who can make a correct diagnosis and treatment without delay. Do not postpone seeking for medical help or risk losing your vision.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had an eye stroke on the 11th December and they told me that I have a died vein in my eye and there is a blood stuck in the vein that won't move, I was wondering if you guys have any treatments instead of medicines because in the uk they only prescribe me medications and not medical treatments like operations etc i need urgent help and please do reply if you have anything to help me .
Male | 48
Eye strokes are bad. A blood clot blocks a vein in your eye. This causes blurry vision, pain, and flashes of light. High blood pressure or diabetes can cause clots. Surgery might not help, but laser therapy or injections may restore blood flow. It's crucial to see an eye doctor regularly. They'll recommend the best treatment.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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I had cataract surgery for both eyes on 2017 and 2018 with monofocal lens. I'm 32 years old. Can i change lens to trifocal lens.
Unlike monofocal and bifocal lenses, trifocal lenses also provide comfortable intermediate vision, which is important for various daily activities, such as computer work. With trifocal lenses, you can perform a range of activities in everyday life without glasses. This includes daily tasks such as: reading, working on computer and watching TV (examples given to suggest the distance). The trifocal lenses for cataracts cost in india can range from INR 30,000 to INR 60,000 per eye.
Kindly consult an ophthalmologist for further guidance and treatment, this page could help you out - Best Ophthalmologists in India. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My left eye is swollen, just the skin. What type of medicine do I use
Male | 37
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hii Last week one drop of cleaning acid went into my eye when i was using it , i immediately flushed it with water and i was fine the eye had redness and spasms rarely now I'm starting to get eye irritation
Male | 20
In that case please get it checked thoroughly by a good physician to see if there are still any concerns due to acid.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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