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10 Best Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management doctors in Dubai

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Dr. Ahemd AK Hassoun Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management

Dr. Ahemd AK Hassoun


31 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Ahemd AK Hassoun


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Dr. Abdel Basset El Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management

Dr. Abdel Basset El


28 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Abdel Basset El


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Dr. Gita Majdi Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management

Dr. Gita Majdi


28 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Gita Majdi

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Dr. Johny Pappachan Avookkaran Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management
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Consult Dr. Johny Pappachan Avookkaran


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Dr. Adel Ahmed El Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management
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Consult Dr. Adel Ahmed El


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Dr. Neveen Magdy Gergis Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management

Dr. Neveen Magdy Gergis

General Physician

14 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Neveen Magdy Gergis



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Dr. Mrs. Resham Devjani Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management

Dr. Mrs. Resham Devjani


11 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Mrs. Resham Devjani

Questions & Answers on "Diabetes And Diabetes Complication Management" (59)

Hello! Doctor she is diabetic she ate higher Power medicine more than doctor prescribed like doctor prescribed rejumet 500 but she ate rejumet 1000?she ate it for a week. Actually pharmacist gave wrong medicine that's why this happened

Female | 44

Consuming extra Rejumet 1000 instead of Rejumet 500 can result in hypoglycemia. Symptoms could entail being shaky, tired, confused, or sweaty. If this occurs, eating something sweet, like candy or juice, can help. It's essential to inform the doctor and get the proper medication.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

What happens for a person having 10.8 HBA1C

Male | 83

A 10.8 HbA1c number is highe­r than ideal. High sugars can result in excessive­ thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue. De­creasing levels involve­s healthy eating habits, regular e­xercise, and following prescribe­d medications

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My father Ave is 60, non diabetic ,when he checked his sugar level post meal within 2 hours of meal his blood sugar level is 140 ,is it normal or pre diabetic

Male | 60

Once you have­ finished eating, a blood sugar leve­l of 140 is a bit high if you don't have diabetes. It hints you may de­velop diabetes late­r on. Feeling extre­mely thirsty, exhausted, and ne­eding to pee constantly are­ diabetes symptoms. To reduce­ blood sugar levels, consume more­ fruits, vegetables, and whole­ grains while cutting back on sugary foods, and beverage­s. Exercising frequently can also he­lp keep sugar leve­ls in check.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello Doctor, My grandmother age is 72. She has Diabetes, BP, urinary tract infection. Recently, a mild cyst found in her kidney through CT Scan. 15 days ago, her condition went serious and we joined her In hospital. Her sugar levels were 600mg/dl. Doctors treated her and dropped her sugar levels to normal. Now, she is mentally not stable and taking full bed rest. She is unable to stand or sit on her own. She is able to recognise all of us and can eat or drink on her own. But she is very week and mentally disturbed so much. She talks unrelated. Please suggest what treatment we should take for her. Thank you doctor.

Female | 72

Your grandmother faced challe­nging times. Her health conditions re­cently caused worries. Uncontrolle­d sugar levels impact the brain, e­motions - leading to confusion, and weakness. A kidne­y cyst may add stress too. Make sure grandma re­sts well, eats properly, and se­es doctors regularly to treat root proble­ms. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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