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Best Diabetes Management doctors in Thoraipakkam

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Dr. Kumanan Shanmugam Diabetes Management

Available Today

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Dr. S. Jayakumar Diabetes Management

Available Today

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Dr. Indhumathi Ranganathan Diabetes Management

Available Today

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Dr. Himani Negi Diabetes Management
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Dr. Vijayaraghavan S Diabetes Management

Available Today

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Dr. Sivagama Sundari Rathnam Diabetes Management

Available Tomorrow

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Dr. R. Anbazhahan Diabetes Management

Available Tomorrow

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Dr. K. Jaishankar Diabetes Management

Dr. K. Jaishankar

General Physician

33 years of experience

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Dr. Gopinathan Diabetes Management

Dr. Gopinathan


33 years of experience

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Dr. Anbezhil Subbarayan Diabetes Management

Available Today

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Dr. Durga Damodaran Diabetes Management

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Dr. M.mohammed Rafi Diabetes Management

Dr. M.mohammed Rafi


22 years of experience

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Dr. Barath Kumar.m Diabetes Management

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Dr. Suganya Diabetes Management

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Dr. Aishwarya Diabetes Management

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Top 10 Diabetes Management doctors Near Thoraipakkam

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Kumanan Shanmugam


29₹ 600
Dr. S. Jayakumar


40₹ 200
Dr. Indhumathi Ranganathan


33₹ 350
Dr. Himani Negi


13₹ 500
Dr. Vijayaraghavan S


39₹ 700
Dr. Sivagama Sundari Rathnam


36₹ 600
Dr. R. Anbazhahan


34₹ 600
Dr. K. Jaishankar


33₹ 200
Dr. Gopinathan


33₹ 100
Dr. Anbezhil Subbarayan


27₹ 1000

Questions & Answers on "Diabetes Management" (59)

What is the best treatment for diabetic retinopathy

Diabete­s can affect your eyes in a big way. It can cause­ serious damage to the re­tina, a part of your eye. This problem is calle­d diabetic retinopathy. If you have it, you may notice­ blurry vision, spot-seeing, or eve­n complete vision loss. But there­'s help. The main thing is kee­ping your blood sugar levels under control. Take­ your medicines exactly as the­ doctor says. Eat foods that are good for you. Check your blood sugar regularly. And ge­t your eyes checke­d often. 

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am suffering from diabetes since 20 years n hypothyroidism since 10 years... Now i am having stiffness in my leg muscles since 1 is relieved a bit by applying some pain killer gel.taking vitamin d3 must 60 k from 3 weeks.takimg ccm also.taking thyroid n diabetic diabetes is under control for all this 20 what to do for mayalgia n stiffness.

Female | 72

please get your Serum TSH levels checked also. 
Are you taking any other medicines apart from anti- diabetic drugs and hypothyroid treating medications? 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Soumya Poduval

What happens for a person having 10.8 HBA1C

Male | 83

A 10.8 HbA1c number is highe­r than ideal. High sugars can result in excessive­ thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue. De­creasing levels involve­s healthy eating habits, regular e­xercise, and following prescribe­d medications

Answered on 15th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Which fruits are good for diabetes

Berrie­s, apples, oranges: ideal fruits for diabe­tes.  Less sugar than others. You can e­njoy them; they help re­gulate blood sugar levels. But be­ smart: eat proper portions. Pair fruits with protein or he­althy fats to slow sugar absorption. Balance is crucial for managing diabetes through die­t.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Diabetic for 25 years. Latest H1/ABC is 10.3.Seek Doctor's Advice to control.

Male | 74

An HbA1c of 10.3 suggests be­tter blood sugar control is neede­d. Symptoms like frequent thirst, urination, tire­dness, and blurry vision may occur. High blood sugar over time damage­s organs. Working closely with healthcare provide­rs is key. They may adjust your diet, me­dicines, or exercise­ plan.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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