Dr. Bennet Rajmohan Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
General Physician
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Bennet
Dr. Bennet Rajmohan is one of the most esteemed doctor in Madurai.
Dr.Bennet Specializations
- General Physician
- General Surgeon
- Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr.Bennet Awards
- Undergraduate prize in cardiology, and merit certificates for Biology, Microbiology and Pathology in CMC,Vellore India
- 3 Single author publications in international peer reviewed journals,Underwent surgical training in UK for 10 years
- Completed advance Trauma lIfe Support Course, Specialist Registrar course, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy course, Critical care course and Breast diseases course
Dr.Bennet Education
- MBBS - University Of Madras, India
- MRCS - General Surgery - The Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), UK
Dr.Bennet Experience
Dr.Bennet Registration
- 52895 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1993
- Royal College of Surgeons of England (UK)
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (UK)
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Association of Surgeons of Indian (ASI)
- Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI)
- Advanced Trauma life support course (ATLS)