Dr. A Rajasekaran
Infertility Specialist
66 years of experience
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About Dr.A
Dr. A Rajasekaran is a renowned doctor in Chennai.
Dr.A Specializations
- Infertility Specialist
- Andrologist
Dr.A Awards
- Awarded ‘Urology Gold Medal & Delivered Himadri Sarcar oration- Topic ‘Clinical, Histology & Genetics of Male Infertility’ 1993
- Awarded Doctorate of Science 2001
- Awarded Padmashri by the Her Excellency the President of India 2008
- Dr BC Roy National Award by His Excellency the President of India 1998
- Priyamvada Birla Oration Award 2007
- Life Time Achievement Award & Best Teacher Awards 2016
- President Urological Society of India 1992
- Awarded Urology Gold Medal 1993
Dr.A Education
- MBBS - Madras Medical College, Chennai
Dr.A Experience
ConsultantStarted First Infertility Clinic, at Government Royepettah Hospital1971 - 1972
Professor and Head UrologyKilpauk Medical college & Madras Medical College1972 - 1993
PresidentNational Board of Examinations (DNB) & Post Graduate Examnier Urology For Indian Universities(AIIMS & PGI)1998 - 2001
President Urological Society of IndiaNational Board of Examinations (DNB)2004 - 2009
Emeritus ProfessorMGR University1993 - 1998
Dr.A Registration
- 13776 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1959
- Urological Society of India (USI)
- International College of Surgeons (ICS)
- Society International Urology
- Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
- Embryo Donor Program
- Male Infertility Treatment
- Micro Surgery
- Azoospermia Treatment
- Pre Marital Counselling