Dr. A R Rajendran
46 years of experience
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About Dr.A
Dr. A R Rajendran is a reputed doctor in Chennai with over 46 years of experience.
Dr.A Specializations
- Dentist
- Dental Surgeon
Dr.A Education
- B.Sc - St Joseph
- BDS - Madras Medical College, Chennai
Dr.A Experience
OwnerOhm Sakthi Dental Clinic1978 -
Dr.A Registration
- 524 Tamil Nadu State Dental Council 1975
- Tamil Nadu State Dental Council
- Artificial Teeth
- Tooth Extraction
- Bps Dentures Fixing
- Dental Fillings
- Flap Surgery
- Gum Disease Treatment Surgery
- Complete Partial Dentures Fixing
- Impaction Impacted Tooth Extraction