Dr. A. Srinivasan Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
39 years of experience
Dr. A. Srinivasan holds an MBBS and specializes in Internal Medicine. With a focus on comprehensive patient care, Dr. Srinivasan has dedicated himself to personalized treatment plans and transparent communication. Currently a respected member of the medical staff at St. Mary's Hospital, he played a pivotal role in establishing the hospital's Cardiology Department. Known for pioneering cardiovascular diagnostic techniques, he has received recognition for his contributions to research, with over 20 publications to his name. Dr. Srinivasan's expertise in interventional cardiology and echocardiography has earned him membership in the prestigious American College of Cardiology and the European Society of Cardiology.
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About Dr.A.
Dr. A. Srinivasan is one of the most esteemed doctor in Chennai.
Dr.A. Specializations
- Dermatologist
- General Physician
Dr.A. Education
- MBBS - Madras Medical College, Chennai
Dr.A. Experience
Dr.A. Registration
- 40858 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1986
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)