Dr. Abhay Sonthalia Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
20 years of experience
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About Dr.Abhay
Dr. Abhay Sonthalia is one of the most esteemed doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Abhay Specializations
- Dentist
Dr.Abhay Education
- BDS - Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore
- MDS - Prosthodontist And Crown Bridge - Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore
Dr.Abhay Experience
DentistMCODS ,Mangalore2007 - 2010
Specialised DentistSmile O Care2010 - 2016
Consultant Prosthodontist and ImplantologistNarayana Multispeciality Hospital2010 - 2016
Dr.Abhay Registration
- 17175A Karnataka State Dental Council 2005
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian Prosthodontic Society
- Acrylic Partial Denture
- Artificial Teeth
- Bps Dentures Fixing
- Cast Partial Denture
- Ceramic Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Cosmetic Makeovers
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing
- Immediate Dentures
- Implant Retained Dentures
- Inlays And Onlays
- Laminates
- Maxillo Facial Prosthodontics
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Porcelain Inlays And Onlays
- Post And Core
- Prosthetic Care And Rehabilitation
- Prosthetics
- Smile Design