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Dr. Abhishek M Shah undefined

Dr. Abhishek M Shah


17 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Abhishek M Shah

Questions Answered By Dr. Abhishek M Shah

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I had sex with a girl after that I got a rash over my penile region and a small hole, thereafter consulted with urologist he tests for std panel, urine culture and RBC tests which comes negative after a week. So now I'm bit worried that to whom should I consult a urologist or dermatologist. Please need help..

Answered on 9th Sept '24

urologist is the correct person. You will have to repeat test after 4-6 months as there is window period which also needs to cleared.
Asked for Male, 59 Years

On ultrasoud it is found that prostrate gland is 128g enlarged and need to be operated because blood clots is comming out with urine ... I have heard so many cases where with medicine have cured the problem... I want to know what will be better operation or medication. . does operation for enlarge prostrate is a major operation ,does it came with complications in future.? Does prostate grows extra tissue again. After some years of operation? Please kindly help

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Ideal will be surgery , but best assessment would be by a urologist - whether only clot evacuation or another procedures needed.
Asked for Male, 29 Years

I'm 29 years old I noticed I do pee blood immediately after having sex for the pass view month now...only when I have sex And it's not stopping

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Then do get a physical consult and examination done. The next primary step would be it, so the actual reasons can be assessed. My OPD schedule is present on the profile.
Asked for Male, 34 Years

I have removed 9.5mm ureteral stone 3 months ago and doctor advised to do a songography usg abdomen pelvis after 3 months. i was diagnosed with 1 stone in Right mid calyx - 4mm 1 stone in left mid calyx - 4.2mm 1 stone in left lower calyx - 3.4mm

Answered on 23rd May '24

So you need to workup the cause for stone formation. The stone can be removed multiple times still you need to treat the cause it is happening.
Asked for Male, 18 Years

There is a vein in my dick that it looks like it has been dislocated or moved it feel hard when I touch it and its uncomfortable would it heal itself ? and how long will it take

Answered on 23rd May '24

You will need a clinical exam to comment on things like this.
Asked for Male, 56 Years

Sir my husband need kidney transplant can you do free transplant

Answered on 14th Feb '25

Do you have a donor in the family, should be a primary question. Primary workup will be needed of you have a fit donor. If a good match is available in a related donor, a lot of your expense can be funded by trust and schemes. And lastly nothing is free. Even if someone sponsors your surgical part, post op immunosuppression medicines also have cost of 8-10k monthly.
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