Dr. Abin Abraham Itty Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Abin
Dr. Abin Abraham Itty is a highly skilled doctor in Kottayam.
Dr.Abin Specializations
- Cosmetologist
- Dermatologist
Dr.Abin Awards
- One of the Best Three Award Paper Presented at CUTICON - Kerala 2013
Dr.Abin Education
- MD - Dermatology - Academy of Medical Sciences Pariyaram Kannur
- MBBS - T.D. Medical College, Alappuzha
Dr.Abin Experience
Consultant DermatologistVPS Lakeshore hospital, Kochi2016 - 2018
Dr.Abin Registration
- 40077 Travancore - Cochin Council of Modern Medicine, Kerala 2009
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- World allergy organisation Junior member group
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Allergy Treatment
- Dermatosurgery
- Hair Regrowth
- Laser
- Nail Diseases Treatment