Dr. Ajay Kukreja Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Consultant Physician
17 years of experience
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About Dr.Ajay
Dr. Ajay Kukreja is a highly skilled doctor in Navi Mumbai.
Dr.Ajay Specializations
- Consultant Physician
- General Physician
Dr.Ajay Education
- MBBS - Terna Medical College
- DNB - General Medicine - Deen Mangeshkar Medical College
- MRCP (UK) - Royal College Of Physician, London
- MNAMS (Membership of the National Academy) - National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)
- CCEBDM (Diabetes) - Public Health Foundation of India(PHFI),New Delh
Dr.Ajay Experience
Asst. ProfessorTerna Medical College & Hospital2013 - 2016
Dr.Ajay Registration
- 2008041485 Maharashtra Medical Council 2008
- Royal College of Physicians (UK)
- Infectious Disease Treatment
- Diabetes Management