Dr. Ajit Dandekar
43 years of experience
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About Dr.Ajit
Dr. Ajit Dandekar is a renowned doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Ajit Specializations
- Psychiatrist
Dr.Ajit Education
- MBBS - Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
- M.D. (Psychiatry) - Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
- DPM (Psychiatry) - Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital
Dr.Ajit Experience
ConsultantJeevan Vikas Kendra1984 - 1989
Honorary PsychiatristK. B. Bhabha Municipal General Hospital1989 - 2005
Honorary PsychiatristNanavati Super Speciality Hospital2004 - 2019
Dr.Ajit Registration
- 42015 Maharashtra Medical Council 1979
- Indian Psychiatric Society
- Andheri Medical Association,
- Life Member of I.M.A. Mumbai West Suburban Branch
- Counselling
- Depression Counselling
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- Stress Management
- Stress Management Counselling