Dr. Amit Kolekar
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Amit
Dr. Amit Kolekar is a highly skilled doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Amit Specializations
- Urologist
Dr.Amit Education
- MCh - Urology - Topiwala National Medical College, Mumbai
- MBBS - MUHS, Nashik
Dr.Amit Experience
Superspeciality Medical OfficerRegional Referral Services Hospital2013 - 2014
Asst ProfessorJawaharlal Nehru Medical College and AVBRH2014 - 2016
Consultant UrologistRG Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital2016 - 2017
Dr.Amit Registration
- 2004093299 Maharashtra Medical Council 2004
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Laparoscopy
- Laser Prostatectomy
- Pcnl
- Prostate Laser Surgery
- Surgery Of The Penis
- Urethrotomy
- Urinary Tract Obstruction
- Urology Consultation