Dr. Amod Manocha
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Amod
Dr. Amod Manocha is a renowned doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Amod Specializations
- Anesthesiologist
- Pain Management Specialist
- Spine And Pain Specialist
Dr.Amod Education
- Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anesthetists (FFPMRCA) - Royal College of Anaesthetists, U.K.
- Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) - Royal College of Anaesthetists, U.K.
- PGC Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - University of East London, U.K.
- European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia & Acute Pain Management - European Society of Regional Anaesthesia
- Diploma in Anaesthesia - University of Delhi
- MBBS - University of Delhi
Dr.Amod Experience
Senior Consultant & HeadMax Hospital, Saket2017 - 2017
Dr.Amod Registration
- 18239 Medical Council of India (MCI) 1998
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Back Pain Treatment
- Cancer Pain Management
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- Chronic Pain Treatment
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Conscious Sedation
- Epidural And Spinal Anesthesia
- Epidurals
- Fibromyalgia Treatment
- Frozen Shoulder Treatment
- Headache Management
- Iv And Gas Sedation
- Joint Pain Treatment
- Knee Pain Treatment
- Musculoskeletal Pain Management
- Neck Pain Treatment
- Osteoarthritis Treatment
- Ozone Nucleolysis
- Ozone Therapy
- Pain Management Counseling
- Phantom Limb Pain
- Radio Frequency Procedures
- Sacroiliac Joint Pain
- Sciatica Pain Treatment
- Sedation With Nitrous Oxide
- Shoulder Pain
- Slip Disc
- Tailbone Pain Treatment
- Treatment With Sedation