Dr. Amrish Bidaye
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Amrish
Dr. Amrish Bidaye is a reputed doctor in Pune with over 21 years of experience.
Dr.Amrish Specializations
- Orthopedist
- Ortho Surgeon
Dr.Amrish Education
- MBBS - Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune
- MRCS (UK) - Edinburgh
- FRCS - Trauma & Orthopedic Surgery - Edinburgh
Dr.Amrish Experience
Dr.Amrish Registration
- 2003/02/0628 Maharashtra Medical Council 2003
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Orthopedic Physical Therapy
- Amputation
- Acl Reconstruction
- Arthroplasty
- Arthroscopy
- Ligament Reconstruction