Dr. Anju Hardwani
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Anju
Dr. Anju Hardwani is a reputed doctor in Chennai with over 16 years of experience.
Dr.Anju Specializations
- Dentist
- Endodontist
- Restorative Dentist
Dr.Anju Education
- BDS - Dr. D Y Patil University, Pune
Dr.Anju Experience
Senior Dental SurgeonParasu Dental Centre, Velachery2018 - 2018
Senior Dental SurgeonDr Jaya Ananthraman's Multispeciality Dental Clinic2011 - 2018
DentistNew Ceramco Dental Clinic, Dombivili2010 - 2011
Dr.Anju Registration
- A-18039 Maharashtra State Dental Council 2009
- Dental Council of India
- Bleeding Gums Treatment
- Dental Fillings
- Tooth Extraction
- Crowns And Bridges Fixing