Dr. Anusha M. Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
19 years of experience
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About Dr.Anusha
Dr. Anusha M. is a highly skilled Homoeopath in Bangalore. He holds an experience of 18 years in medical field. He has done his BHMS from Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Bangalore in 2004. He currently consults at A M Homeo Clinic in Btm Layout(Bangalore). He is a honorable member of Karnataka Qualified Homoeopathic Doctors Association (KQHDA).
Dr.Anusha Specializations
- Homoeopath
Dr.Anusha Education
- BHMS - Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Bangalore
Dr.Anusha Experience
Homeopathic PhysicianSoukya Homeo Clinic2008 - 2016
Dr.Anusha Registration
- A-8613 Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine 2006
- Karnataka Qualified Homoeopathic Doctors Association (KQHDA)
- Wart Removal
- Migraine Treatment
- Vertigo Treatment
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Dandruff Treatment
- Eczema Treatment
- Gastritis Treatment
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment
- Dermatitis Treatment
- Allergy Treatment
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Thyroid Disorder Treatment