Dr. Anuya Manerkar
Aesthetic Dermatologist
18 years of experience
Questions Answered By Dr. Anuya Manerkar
Asked for Female, 36 YearsMa'am I am 36 now. I have wrinkles and dark circles under my skin. The skin is really looking dull. Can crystal microdermabrasion help to reduce these problems permanently?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Microdermabrasion alone cannot work on stretch marks . For long lasting results a combination of mda with fractionated rf or and co2 fractional are advised . It is at the discretion of the dermatologist to decide based on patient skin
I have oily skin and acne problem. The problem is that scars are not removed completely. Some are getting light but not removed completely. I recently heard about microdermabrasion for acne scars from one of my friends. Does it really work? I am 23 now. Does it have any side effects?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Microdermabrasion definitely works but not at a deeper level . Repeated sessions are needed . For best results combination therapy of microneedling , co2 fractional and microdermabrasion are advisable