Dr. Archana Rane
19 years of experience
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Dr.Archana Specializations
- Dentist
- Physiotherapist
Dr.Archana Education
- BPTh/BPT - Ravi Nair College of Physiotherapy, Wardha
- MPTh/MPT - Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj University, Nagpur
Dr.Archana Experience
Consulting PhysiotherapistManav Seva Sangh Hospital2010 - 2013
Consulting PhysiotherapistCriticare Hospital2013 - 2015
Consulting PhysiotherapistChiranjeevi Hospital2015 - 2018
Consulting PhysiotherapistArnav Ortho & Phyiso Clinic2017 - 2018
Dr.Archana Registration
- 2010/04/PT/000364 Maharashtra State Occupational & Physiotherapy Council 2009
- Indian Association of Cerebral Palsy
- Indian Association of Physiotherapist
- Physiotherapy association
- Back Pain Physiotherapy
- Cardio Respiratory Physiotherapy
- Functional Physiotherapy
- Home Care Physiotherapy
- Knee Pain Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy Rehab
- Sports Physiotherapy