Dr. Aruna Sahadev
23 years of experience
Questions Answered By Dr. Aruna Sahadev
Asked for Female, 34 YearsI am searching a best doctor for Infertility treatment. I am married about 8 Years but till now not conceive yet. By husband are living with me and as per report, sperm quality is okay. As per my report, it is showing small Egg size and that the reason for infertility. I am asking for good doctor for treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Reason for infertility is low egg count IVF is the best option
Which type of abnormality in sperm can be used in ICSI and in IVF and IUI???
Answered on 27th July '24
For icsi less Sperm count can be used , same with IVF also , for iui sperm no should be good with average motility
Does she has any procedure for iui&ivf
Answered on 23rd May '24
Procedure for IVF continuous ovarian stimulation , follicular monitoring, oocyte pick up followed by icsi .
Hi I had taken an home pregnancy test today, it came out negative, some hours later as I took out the kit to dispose it there was a faint second line, does that imply a positive test? I had again done the test later, it showed negative.
Answered on 13th June '24
This could be biochemical pregnancy confirm with BETA HCG value.
Hello mam Gud evening meri right and left overy me cyst hai right overy me 7mm and left overy 6 mm KYa vo Mujhe vote operate karani padegi mam medicine ke through cyst thik ho sakti hai
Answered on 23rd May '24
6 mm and 7mm cysts are very small unless they are centimeters, if it is in centimeters, need to be operated. Hence I suggest you visit a gynecologist if the problem increases.
Had preterm delivery at 24 weeks due to infection after cervical cerclage at 20 th week and having gestational diabetes and baby was in NICU for four days and passed away due to bleeding in brain.can I plan for next pregnancy by taking precautionory measurements or I should go for surrogacy.please let me know
Answered on 23rd May '24
There is no need for a surrogacy plan for cervical stitch in between the pregnancy and plan for pregnancy and do investigate for diabetes before pregnancy and get treated before conception.
I am pregnant in 6 week and past 3 days vomiting continuously. What can I do?
Answered on 23rd May '24
You can take some tab doxinate twice a day before food till vomiting stops, keep taking liquids, don’t take spicy food. If the symptoms persist long please consultant a gynecologist near you.