Dr. Ashlesha P Kshirsagar Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Ashlesha
Dr. Ashlesha P Kshirsagar is a reputed doctor in Nashik with over 16 years of experience.
Dr.Ashlesha Specializations
- Prosthodontist
- Dentist
Dr.Ashlesha Awards
- First Prize in Poster Presentation at 38th IPS National Conference, Indore.(2010) Title: “Occluso-Posturo-Odontology.” 2010
- Best Case Report Published in International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research Volume 2, Issue 1, 2105 Title: Prosthodontic Solution for Non- Syndromic Oligodontia and Atrophic Edentulous Arches Using Magnetic Overdenture. 2015
- Award for Academic Excellence by M.G.V’s K.B.H Dental College and Hospital, Nashik 2011
- 2nd Prize in Paper Presentation at 2nd IDA PG Convention, Pune. Title: “Evaluation of Hanau’s Formula in Determining Lateral Condylar Guidance – a Clinical Study.” 2011
- Finalist in Rising Stars Of Indian Dentistry Contest. (Celebrity Dentistry India Initiative 2017) 2017
Dr.Ashlesha Education
- MDS - Prosthodontist And Crown Bridge - KBH'S MGV Dental college and hospital
- BDS - Government Dental College, Mumbai
Dr.Ashlesha Experience
InternshipGovernment Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai2008 - 2009
Associate ClinicianDr. Mangesh Potdar’s Dental Clinic2009 - 2010
Masters ProgramM.G.V’S K.B.H Dental College and Hospital2010 - 2013
Consultant ProsthodontistPrivate Dental Clinics, Mumbai and Nashik2013 - 2018
Assistant ProfessorS.M.B.T Dental College and Hospital2014 - 2018
Consultant ProsthodontistApollo White Dental Clinic2014 - 2018
Dr.Ashlesha Registration
- A-17280 Maharashtra State Dental Council 2009
- Dental Council of India
- Indian Dental Association
- Indian Prosthodontic Society
- Rotaract club of GDC
- Indian Academy of Aesthetic & Cosmetic Dentistry
- Indian Society of Oral Implantologists (ISOI)
- Smile Design
- Dental Fillings
- Zirconia Crowns
- Dental Implant Fixing
- Bone Grafting For Dental Implants
- Tmj Therapy