Dr. Ashwini P
23 years of experience
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About Dr.Ashwini
Dr. Ashwini P is a highly skilled doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Ashwini Specializations
- Gynecologist
- Infertility Specialist
- Obstetrician
- Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn)
Dr.Ashwini Awards
- DNB 2008
- Fellowship in Laparoscopy 2012
Dr.Ashwini Education
- MBBS - Dr B R Ambedkar medical college
- DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology - Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute, Thrissur
Dr.Ashwini Experience
ConsultantMotherhood Hospital2014 - 2018
ConsultantSt. Philomena's Hospital2011 - 2014
ConsultantAxon Specialty Hospital2010 - 2011
Junior ConsultantKerela Jubilee Mission Medical College2005 - 2009
Dr.Ashwini Registration
- 65731 Karnataka Medical Council 2003
- Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Breast Cancer Screening
- Contraception Advice
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Hpv Vaccination
- Dysmenorrhea Treatment
- Premarital Counseling
- Endometriosis Treatment
- Uterine Fibroid Treatment
- Family Planning
- Myomectomy
- Hysteroscopy
- Vaginal Infection Treatment
- Cervical Cerclage
- Female Sexual Problems
- Pap Smear
- Pre And Post Delivery Care