Dr. Beena Walawalkar Dentist,Physiotherapist18 years of experience Write a Review Enquire Now Consult Dr. Beena WalawalkarOverviewReviewsMedical Q&ABlogsFAQWrite a review Specializations DentistPhysiotherapistRelated FaqsWhat are the areas of expertise of Dr. Beena Walawalkar?How many years of experience does Dr. Beena Walawalkar have?Top Dentists in Areas of DubaiDentists in DubaiEndodontists in DubaiOrthodontists in DubaiTop Related Speciality Doctors in DubaiOrthopedist in DubaiNeurosurgeon in DubaiPulmonologist in DubaiGastroenterologist in DubaiHematologist in DubaiCardiologist in DubaiInfertility Specialist in DubaiNephrologist in DubaiEndocrinologist in DubaiHepatologist in DubaiHome / Doctors / Dr. Beena Walawalkar