Dr. B.k. Dhaon
54 years of experience
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About Dr.B.k.
Dr.B.k. Specializations
- Orthopedist
Dr.B.k. Education
- MBBS - King Georges Medical College, Lucknow University
- MS - Orthopaedics - King Georges Medical College, Lucknow University
Dr.B.k. Experience
Consultant OrthopaedicHealth First Polyclinic, Chattarpur2015 -
Consultant OrthopedicRockland Hospital2008 -
Consultant OrthopedicSita Ram Bhartia2004 -
Ameritus Consultant OrthopedicIndraprastha Appolo Hospital, Sarita Vihar2010 - 2014
DirectorH.I.M.S., Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida2008 - 2009
Emeritus ProfessorSt. Stephens Hospital2004 - 2006
Dean Cum Head, Department of Orthopedic SurgeryMaulana Azad Medical College2002 - 2004
Lecture Orthopedic SurgeryCIO, Safdarjang Hospital1977 - 1979
Lecture Orthopedic SurgeryM.L Nehru Medical College1975 - 1977
Senior ResidentCentral Institute of Orthopedic Surgery, Safdarjang Hospital1974 - 1975
Senior ResidentGM and Associated Hospital, King George's Medical University1972 - 1974
Dr.B.k. Registration
- 11 Delhi Medical Council 2000
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Indian Arthoplastry Association
- (IGOF) Indo German Orthopaedic Foundation
- AOSpine international board
- Knee Replacement
- Joint Replacement Surgery
- Wrist Problems
- Spinal Disc Surgery
- Fracture Treatment
- Knee Braces For Osteoarthritis
- Chronic Pain Treatment
- Physiotherapy For Sports Injury Rehabilitation
- Spine Injury