Dr. Boonlert Sukwatanasinit
Urologist And Renal Transplant Specialist
20 years of experience
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About Dr.Boonlert
Dr. Boonlert Sukwatanasinit is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bangkok.
Dr.Boonlert Specializations
- Urologist And Renal Transplant Specialist
Dr.Boonlert Education
- Diploma - Thai Board Of Uro Surgery
Dr.Boonlert Experience
ConsultantVejthani Hospital Bangkok
- Augmentation Cystoplasty
- Circumcision
- Radical Cystectomy
- Radical Prostatectomy
- Reconstructive Surgery
- Renal Transplant
- Endourology
- Cystectomy
- Penile Biopsy
- Orchidopexy
- Laser Prostatectomy
- Transurethral Resection Of The Bladder Tumor Turbt
- Rirs
- Prostatectomy
- Ureteroscopy Urs
- Urethral Dilatation
- Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction
- Vasectomy Reversal