Dr. Debmalya Sanyal
26 years of experience
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About Dr.Debmalya
Dr. Debmalya Sanyal is a highly skilled doctor in Kolkata.
Dr.Debmalya Specializations
- Diabetologist
- Endocrinologist
Dr.Debmalya Awards
- Honours (Distinction) in Pharmacology
- Indian Medical Association: Dr Deepak Banerjee Award for best Paper Published in JIMA 2009
Dr.Debmalya Education
- MBBS - Medical College, Calcutta
- MD - General Medicine - Sriram Chandra Bhanj Medical College, Cuttack
- DM - Endocrinology - American College of Endocrinology (ACE)
- DTM&H - Tropical School of Medicine, Calcutta
- MRCP (UK) - Royal Colleges Of Physicians & Surgeons In Ireland
- Fellow of American College of Endocrinology(FACE) - American College of Endocrinology (ACE)
Dr.Debmalya Experience
Dr.Debmalya Registration
- 54796 West Bengal Medical Council 1998
- American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
- The Endocrine Society, USA
- European Society of Endocrinology
- Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India
- Diabetic Association of India (W.B.)
- Endocrine Society of W.B., India
- Diabetes Management
- Obesity Treatment
- Osteoporosis Treatment