Dr. Deepali D. Eksambe
Pediatric Neurologist
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Deepali
Dr. Deepali D. Eksambe is a reputed doctor in Pune with over 25 years of experience.
Dr.Deepali Specializations
- Pediatric Neurologist
- Neurologist
Dr.Deepali Awards
- Publication: IKBKG Mutation With Incontinentia Pigmenti and Ring Enhancing Encephalopathy; Observation; Deepali Eksambe, MD; Naseem Uddin, MD; Juan Pascual MD; et al. JAMA NEUROL . 2015;72(12):1533-1535 . DO I:10. 1001/JAM AN EUROL .2015.2795 2015
- Poster Presentation: International Child Neurology Society Meeting at Vancouver, Canada, October 2016 “Fragile X syndrome - Review of seizure prevalence, seizure characteristics and EEG findings in children with and without intellectual disability 2016
- Poster Presentation: International Fragile X Society Conference at San Antonio, Texas, USA, July 2016 “Fragile X syndrome - Review of seizure prevalence, seizure characteristics and EEG findings in children with and without intellectual disability 2016
- Oral presentation: Clinico pathological case conference, at University Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, “Approach to a newborn baby presenting with abnormal movements, suspected inborn error of metabolism” 2015
- Oral Presentation: Brooklyn Pediatric Society, NY, “Role of EEG and Neuroimaging in Children Presenting With Afebrile and Complex Febrile Seizure 2013
- ‘Senior Resident of the year’ at Dept. of Pediatrics, Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center, New York, USA 2013
- Chief Resident’ at Dept. of Pediatrics, Brookdale University Hospital & Medical Center, NY, USA 2013
- 1 st in M.D. (Pediatrics) examination at B.J. Medical College, Pune, India 2000
- Secondary School Certificate - Ranked 4 th (~Scored 92.57%) in SSC Board, Pune, India 1988
Dr.Deepali Education
- MBBS - B J Medical College, Pune
- MD - Pediatrics - B J Medical College, Pune
- Fellowship in Pediatric Neurology - UT South Western, Dallas, Texas, USA
Dr.Deepali Experience
LecturerJune 2003 – March 2005 MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai, India2003 - 2005
Paediatric ResidentBrookdale University Hospital & Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA2011 - 2013
Child Neurology ResidentUniversity of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, USA2013 - 2016
Dr.Deepali Registration
- 78768 Maharashtra Medical Council 1996
- Maharastra Medical Council
- Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP)
- American Academy of Paediatrics
- American Academy of Neurology - AAN
- International Child Neurology Society
- Headache Management
- Intra Arterial Thrombolysis
- Video Eeg