Dr. Deepali Garg Mathur Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Deepali
Dr. Deepali Garg Mathur is one of the most esteemed doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Deepali Specializations
- Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Dr.Deepali Awards
- Best Performance Certificate for M.S. Ophthalmology Examination 1999
- Mohan Lal Nayyar Award for Best Senior Resident of MAMC 2004
- Awarded Best Performance certificate for MS Ophthalmology examination
- Received Best Paper Medal for paper titled “ Management of IOP rise post Nd.YAG laser Capsulotomy” in ROS conference held in Ajmer in Oct’1998
- Awarded The Certificate of Merit for Academic Excellence from DOS for the year 2001-02
- • Best Paper award for Squint session in AIOS 2009 in Jaipur
Dr.Deepali Education
- MBBS - Sawai Mansingh Medical College, Jaipur (SMS College)
- MS - Ophthalmology - Sawai Mansingh Medical College, Jaipur (SMS College)
- DNB - Ophthalmology - DNB board, New Delhi
- MNAMS - Ophthalmology - National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)
- Senior Resident - Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi University
Dr.Deepali Experience
Senior ConsultantMax Hospital2007 - 2019
ConsultantLions Eye Centre2006 - 2008
Senior ResidentGuru Nanak Eye Centre2003 - 2006
Senior ResidentVenu Eye Hospital1999 - 2003
Dr.Deepali Registration
- 5182 Delhi Medical Council 2000
- All India Ophthalmological Society
- Delhi Ophthalmological Society (DOS)
- Rajasthan Ophthalmological Society
- Squint And Pediatric Ophthalmology Society Of India
- Anterior Segment Surgery
- Avastin Injections
- Canaloplasty
- Cataract Surgery
- Corneal Surgery
- Corneal Transplantation
- Corneal Ulcer Treatment
- Diabetic Eye Checkup
- Eye Muscle Surgery
- Eye Surgery
- Eyelid Surgery
- Fundus Fluorescein Angiography
- Glaucoma Valve Implantation
- Keratoplasty
- Lasik Eye Surgery
- Octopus Visual Field Analyser
- Oculoplastic Surgery
- Orbital Decompression Surgery For Thyroid Eye Disease
- Orbital Surgery
- Pediatric Glaucoma Management
- Phacoemulsification Surgery
- Refractive Surgery
- Retina Examination
- Retina Surgery And Lasik
- Retinal Detachment Surgery
- Trabeculectomy
- Visual Field Test
- Vitreoretinal Surgery
- Yag Iridotomy