Dr. Deepinder Singh Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
12 years of experience
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About Dr.Deepinder
Dr. Deepinder Singh is a highly skilled doctor in Ludhiana.
Dr.Deepinder Specializations
- Dentist
- Dental Surgeon
- Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr.Deepinder Education
- MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Government Medical College, Amritsar
Dr.Deepinder Experience
Senior LecturerSarabha Dental College & Hospital2014 - 2014
Senior ResidentGovernment Medical College & Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh2014 - 2017
Dr.Deepinder Registration
- 6521A Punjab State Dental Council 2014
- Restoration Aesthetics
- Surgical Tooth Extraction
- Pulpectomy
- Osseointegrated Implants
- Maxilla Fracture Treatment
- Oral Surgery Procedures
- Smile Design
- Metal Braces Fixing
- Facial Fracture Treatment
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Mandibular Fracture Treatment
- Facial Trauma
- Fixed Prosthodontics