Dr. Dilip Rangarajan
Nephrologist/Renal Specialist
41 years of experience
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About Dr.Dilip
Dr. Dilip Rangarajan is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Dilip Specializations
- Nephrologist/Renal Specialist
- Pediatric Nephrologist
- Nephrologist
Dr.Dilip Awards
- Publication - Prescribing Drugs in Renal Diseases
- Publication - Survival analysis of patients on maintenance hemodialysis
- Publication - A study of impact of cost-effective nutritional supplement in patients on maintenance hemodialysis
- Publication - Acute Renal Failure in Diabetes Mellitus (Prospective Study); J Nephrol Ther Volume ,(5) Membranous Nephropathy and Graves’ Disease: A Case Report and Literature
- Publication - Native Valve Escherichia coli endocarditis following urosepsis: Indian Journal of Nephrology
- Publication - Post transplant thrombotic microangiopathy causing acute renal failure
- Publication - Syndrome of Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis
- Publication - Approach to Renal Failure
- Publication - ubjective Global Assessment of Nutritional Status of Patients on Maintenanence Haemodialysis
- Publication - Tuberculosis in Patients on Maintenance Haemodialysis
- Publication - Acute Renal Failure Due To Leptospirosis
- Publication - Lupus Nephritis
- Publication - Ischemic Renal Disease
- Paper Presentation-“Subjective Global Assessment of Nutritional Status of Patients on Maintenanence Haemodialysis” 20th Annual Conference of Southern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology, Goa 2000
- Paper Presentation - “Approach to Renal Failure” – at the CME program on Nephrology and Urology, held at TCR-NU Kidney Hospitals, Krishnagiri on 9th March, 2014
- Paper Presentation - “Tuberculosis in Patients on Maintenance Haemodialysis”, the Annual Conference of Southern Chapter of the Indian Society of Nephrology Hyderabad, February 1998.
- Paper Presentation -“Acute Renal Failure Due To Leptospirosis”, the Annual Conference of Southern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology Kottayam, February 1997.
- Paper Presentation - “Acute Renal Failure – A 13 Month Experience in a Community Hospital” the Annual Conference of the Southern Chapter of the Indian Society of Nephrology, Bangalore, February 1996. 2013
- Paper Presentation - “Lupus Nephritis”, The 13th Annual Conference of the Southern Chapter of the Indian Society of Nephrology Mysore, May 1994.
- Paper Presentation - “Ischemic Renal Disease” Asia Pacific Conference of Nephrology New Delhi, December 1992.
- Publication - Book chapter on “Autonomic Nervous System” book entitled “Prescribing Drugs in Renal Diseases”
- Publication - Membranous Nephropathy and Graves’ Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review; J Nephrol Ther 3: 133: 2013
- Publication - Intraperitoneal Bladder Rupture Mimicking Acute Renal Failure: Indian Journal of Nephrology Vol. 18 No. 1: 2008: Page 26-27
Dr.Dilip Education
- MBBS - Madras Medical College, Chennai
- MD - General Medicine - Government General Hospital, Chennai
- DNB - Nephrology - Government General Hospital, Chennai
- FRCP (Glasglow) - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (RCPS), Glasgow
Dr.Dilip Experience
Senior Consultant & Head of NephrologyNU Hospitals Pvt Ltd2001 - 2016
Consultant NephrologistSundaram Medical Foundation, Chennai1994 - 2001
Consultant NephrologistPublic Health Centre, Chennai1994 - 2000
Asst PhysicianPandalai Nursing Home1990 - 1991
Medical DirectorNU Hospitals2018 -
Dr.Dilip Registration
- 85049 Karnataka Medical Council 2009
- Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN)
- Nephrology Association of Karnataka (NAK)
- International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
- Indian Southern Chapter of Nephrology Association
- European Renal Association (ERA)
- Transplant Association
- National Kidney Foundation
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Laparoscopic Nephrectomy
- Proteinuria
- Kidney Disease Treatment
- Kidney Stone Treatment
- Kidney Transplantation
- Renal Biopsy
- Renal Replacement Therapy
- Plasmapheresis
- Transplant Nephrology
- Nephrology Icu