Dr. E.stephen Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
19 years of experience
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About Dr.E.stephen
Dr. E.stephen is one of the most esteemed doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.E.stephen Specializations
- Diabetologist
- Cardiologist
- General Physician
Dr.E.stephen Awards
- Indian Medical Association 2010
Dr.E.stephen Education
- MD - Physician - Yerevan State Medical University
- PGDHSc, Diploma in Diabetology - Annamalai Universtiy
- Postgraduate Diploma Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC) - IGNOU
- Fellowship in Diabetology(Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA) - John Hopkins University, New York
Dr.E.stephen Experience
OwnerChandra Diabetes Clinic2005 - 2016
Dr.E.stephen Registration
- 27531 Medical Council of India (MCI) 2006
- Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI)
- Dengue Fever Treatment
- Diabetes In Children
- Cough Treatment
- Diabetic Diet Counseling
- Hypertension Treatment
- Typhoid Fever Treatment
- Diabetes Management
- Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
- Insulin Treatment
- Obesity Treatment
- Insulin Free Treatment
- Echocardiography
- Viral Fever Treatment