Dr. Fadi Abdellatif Aldamati Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Urologist And Renal Transplant Specialist
13 years of experience
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About Dr.Fadi
Dr. Fadi Abdellatif Aldamati is one of the most esteemed doctor in Dubai.
Dr.Fadi Specializations
- Urologist And Renal Transplant Specialist
Dr.Fadi Experience
ConsultantAin Al Khaleej Hospital
- Jordanian Association of Urology
- Pediatrics Critical Care
- Uro Gynecological Surgeries
- Urinary Incontinence Ui Treatment
- Infertility
- Augmentation Cystoplasty
- Prostatectomy
- Kidney Stone Removal
- Urethroplasty
- Vasectomy Reversal
- Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction