Dr. Gayathri Purushothaman Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Speech Therapist
11 years of experience
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About Dr.Gayathri
Ms. Gayathri Purushothaman is a Speech Therapist and has an experience of 10 years in this field. She completed BASLP from Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai in 2014.
She is a member of Indian Speech and Hearing Association. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: New Born Care and Speech-Language Pathology etc.
Dr.Gayathri Specializations
- Speech Therapist
Dr.Gayathri Education
- BASLP - Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
Dr.Gayathri Experience
Speech TherapistPebbles Therapy Centre2013 -
- Indian Speech and Hearing Association
- New Born Care