Dr. Geethanjali
Cosmetic/aesthetic Dentist
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Geethanjali
Dr. Geethanjali is a reputed doctor in Chennai with over 10 years of experience.
Dr.Geethanjali Specializations
- Cosmetic/aesthetic Dentist
Dr.Geethanjali Education
- BDS - Tagore Dental College
- PG Diploma In Clinical Cosmetology (PGDCC) - Institute of Laser & Aesthetic Medicine(ILAMED)
Dr.Geethanjali Experience
Consultant-DentistJims Dental Care2014 - 2015
Consultant-DentistAdvanced Beauty & Cosmetic Clinic
Dr.Geethanjali Registration
- 20292 Tamil Nadu State Dental Council 2015
- Facial Aesthetics
- Ceramic Veneers Crowns
- Scaling Polishing