Dr. Guruprasad Udupi
24 years of experience
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About Dr.Guruprasad
Dr. Guruprasad Udupi is a consultant diabetologist & endocrinologist based in Bangalore, practicing at Mallige Medical Centre (Crescent Road) and Dialife diabetes, thyroid & endocrine centre (Vidyaranyapura) Dr. Udupi obtained the postgraduate diploma in Diabetology from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Cochin, in 2006. Prior to that he worked at Bangalore Baptist Hospital as the DNB (Internal Medicine) resident and MBBS from JSS Medical College, Mysore, in 2001. In 2004, Dr. Udupi has done fellowship in emergency medicine at St. John's Medical College and hospital in Bangalore. He has done postgraduate diploma and masters in endocrinology from University of South Wales, UK. Dr. Guruprasad Udupi is well trained and adequately experienced in handling the subcutaneous insulin pump (medtronics) and continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS). He is among the first doctors to have managed diabetes in pregnant ladies using the insulin pump. One of Dr. Udupi's areas of interest is mitochondrial dysfunction and type 2 diabetes mellitus - with a view to finding ways to improve mitochondrial biogenesis to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus. Another of his interest areas is prevention of charcot foot by finding a way to reduce pedal osteolytic hyperactivity in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy and arteriovenous shunting. He is also has his main clinical interest in treating thyroid cancers. Dr. Guruprasad Udupi has several publications to his credit, including a book titled multiple choice questions in diabetes mellitus.
Dr.Guruprasad Specializations
- Diabetologist
- General Physician
Dr.Guruprasad Education
- MBBS - J.S.S Medical College, Mysore
Dr.Guruprasad Experience
DiabetologistAmrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre2006 - 2007
DiabetologistMallige Medical Centre2007 -
DiabetologistDialife Diabetes Care Centre2009 -
DiabetologistM V Centre for Diabetes2011 - 2012
Dr.Guruprasad Registration
- 63387 Karnataka Medical Council 2002
- Hypertension Treatment
- Travel Vaccination And Consultation
- Diet Counseling
- Diabetes Management
- Gestational Diabetes Management
- Thyroid Disorder Treatment