Dr. Hardik K. Shah
23 years of experience
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About Dr.Hardik
Dr. Hardik K. Shah is a reputed doctor in Ahmedabad with over 23 years of experience.
Dr.Hardik Specializations
- Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr.Hardik Awards
- Multiple CME conducted by AOGS and FOGSI
- 4th in live endoscopy Workshop at Kochi 2011
- Presented Video at Endovision Endoscopy Workshop at Ahmedabad 2010
- Delivered lecture at State conference In OBGY in Daman 2012
- Presented Video at State conference In OBGY in Mehsana 2011
- Delivered lecture at State conference In OBGY in Anand 2009
- 6 months fellowship from V S hospital, Ahmedabad 2010
- 6 months fellowship from Radhe Endoscopy centre, Mehsana 2010
- 2 months fellowship from 21st cent hospital , Nadkarni institute 2011
- 15 days FOGSI infertility training from 21st cent hospital, pardi, surat and vapi 2015
- 15 days FOGSI from Dr P K shah, NILES institute, MUMBAI 2008
- 15 days from Dr P G Paul, Paul’s Hospital, kochi 2009
Dr.Hardik Education
- MBBS - Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Medical College, Amravati
- MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada
Dr.Hardik Experience
Endoscopic Surgeon And Infertility SpecialistMothercare Women's Hospital2015 - 2016
Endoscopic Surgeon And Infertility SpecialistYash Hospital,Vijapur2011 - 2015
Consultant GynecologistSardar Patel General Hospital. Vadnagar2011 - 2011
Consultant GynecologistMeghraj general hospital,Meghraj2008 - 2009
Dr.Hardik Registration
- G-16081 Gujarat Medical Council 2009
- Ahmedabad obstetrics And Gynaecology Society
- Indian Society Of Assisted Reproduction(ISAR)
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Adiana System
- Amniocentesis
- Artificial Insemination
- Breast Cancer Screening
- Breast Examination
- Cervical Cerclage
- Child Birth Education
- Clinical Embryologist
- Colposcopy Examination
- Contraception Advice
- Cordocentesis
- Dysmenorrhea Treatment
- Embryo Donor Program
- Endometrial Receptivity Assay
- Epidurals
- Essure System
- Family Planning And Full Contraceptive Services
- Female Sexual Problems
- Fertilization
- Hysteroscopy
- Menopause Advice
- Natural Cycle Ivf
- Nutrition For Pregnant Women
- Post Pregnancy Classes
- Pre And Post Delivery Care
- Pregnancy Exercise
- Pregnant Women Counseling
- Quad Screen
- Vulvoscopy
- Well Woman Healthcheck