Dr. Harji Kaur
21 years of experience
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About Dr.Harji
Dr. Harji Kaur is a highly skilled doctor in Delhi.
Dr.Harji Specializations
- Dermatosurgeon
- Dermatologist
- Venereologist
Dr.Harji Awards
- Completed a Retrospective study on “ Can Gonococcal infection unmask latent Chlamydia ” at Whittall Street Clinic,Birmingham,UK 1998
- Participated in a randomised blind evaluator trial on “ Single blind efficacy and safety study in mild , moderate or severe psoriasis comparing 2 different topical steroid preparations ” 1998
- Food allergy and skin ” published in Indian Journal of Dermatology 1999
- “ Connective tissue diseases ” , a chapter in IADVL textbook of Dermatology ; Bhalani Publishing House , Bombay ( Editor in chief – RG Valia
Dr.Harji Education
- MBBS - Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh
- Dip GUM(U.K) - Royal Medical College(UK)
- DNB - Dermatology & Venereology - National Board of Examinations Ministry of Health Government of India
Dr.Harji Experience
Senior Resident - Dermatology & VeneorologyLNJPN Hospital2001 - 2002
Registrar - DermatologyFlinders Medical Centre - Adelaide1998 - 1999
Senior House OfficerWhittall Street Clinic - Southern1998 - 1998
Senior House Officer-accident And EmergencyCITY HOCity Hospital , Dudley
Dr.Harji Registration
- 13966 Delhi Medical Council 2001
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- The Cosmetology Society of India
- Bacterial Skin Infection Treatment
- Tattoo Removal
- Skin Rash Treatment
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Permanent Acne Solutions
- Skin Tag Surgical Removal
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Fungal Infection Treatment
- Cool Sculpting
- Lactic Peel
- Anti Aging Treatment
- Sun Burn Treatment
- Skin Boosters And Fillers
- Mole Removal
- Skin Care
- Chemical Peel
- Nose Fillers
- Skin Peeling