Dr. Hirennappa B. Udnur Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
19 years of experience
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About Dr.Hirennappa
Dr. Hirennappa B. Udnur is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bengaluru.
Dr.Hirennappa Specializations
- Pulmonologist
Dr.Hirennappa Awards
- Topper in Physiology: Dr Rani Kanaka Memorial Award MBBS-First Phase 1999
- Second Prize at 2006
- First Prize in Spirometry Interpretation, State Level CME held at Coimbatore. 2006
- Second Prize in Chest Radiology Quiz, at NAPCON 2007, Chandigarh 2007
- Attended National level conferences as Delegate-NAPCON (Kolkatta) 2005
- Attended various national and state level CME programmes & Workshops in sleep study interpretation, pulmonary function tests, mechanical ventilation, ABG analysis, Allergy and immunology, ACLS training, Thoracoscopy medical thoracoscopy training . 2016
- Attended National level conferences as Delegate-NAPCON (Chandigarh) 2007
- Attended National level conferences as Delegate-NAPCON (Calicut) 2009
- Attended National level conferences as Delegate- HLCC-Heart, Lungs & Critical Care held at Hyderabad 2008
- Attended Interventional Pulmonology Workshop and Conferences- Broncocon 2006
- Attended 11th Lab, ACCP, South India Chapter held at Chennai
- TIP-Trends In Interventional Pulmonology held at Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore 2009
- Attended Various National And State Level CME Programmes and Workshops In Sleep Study Interpretation, Pulmonary Function Tests, Mechanical Ventilation, ABG Analysis, Allergy And Immunology, ACLS Training, Thoracoscopy Medical Thoracoscopy Training
Dr.Hirennappa Education
- MBBS - M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore
- Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD) - Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore
- DNB - Respiratory Diseases - Mediciti Hospital Hyderabad
- Fellow of College of Chest Physcians - American College Of Chest Physicians
Dr.Hirennappa Experience
Consultant PulmonologistColumbia Asia & Baptist Hospitals2008 - 2016
Dr.Hirennappa Registration
- 65473 Karnataka Medical Council 2003
- Member of European Respiratory Society & American Thoracic society
- Member of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine
- Member of Indian Association of Bronchology
- Indian Chest Society
- Indian Sleep Disorders Association
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Indian association of Allergy & Immunology
- World association of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
- Allergy Treatment
- Bronchoscopy
- Cough
- Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment
- Lung Cancer Treatment
- Pleural Effusion Treatment
- Pneumonia Treatment
- Thoracoscopy