Dr. Inderpreet S Oberai
28 years of experience
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About Dr.Inderpreet
Dr. Inderpreet S Oberai is a highly skilled doctor in Gurgaon.
Dr.Inderpreet Specializations
- Orthopedist
- Spine Surgeon
Dr.Inderpreet Awards
- Trained in joint replacement and adult reconstructive trauma surgery from Klinik and Poliklinik for Unfall-Hand & Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Universitatsklinikum, Munster Germany
- Surgical training in knee reconstructive surgery - Henriettenstiftung, Hannover, Germany
- Joint replacement training - Nuffield Hospital, Exeter, U.K and Joint Replacement unit, Queen Elizabeth hospital, Exeter, U.K.
- Trained in knee arthroscopy and reconstruction - Sporthopaedicum, Straubing, Germany and Rosebank clinic, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Trained in shoulder surgery - Center Hospitalier, St Gregoire, Rhein, France and Cape shoulder clinic, Cape Town, South Africa
- Role of Viscosupplementation in gonarthrosis of Femoro-Tibial Joint Arthroscopy journal 2004
- Plate osteosynthesis in distal tiblal fractures a modified approach Indian journal of orthopedics Vol. 31 , page-110 April 1997.
- Authored chapter on
- Autologus Osteocondral Grafting in Knee: our experience
- Arthroscopy assisted Rotator cuff Tear - Delhi Journal of Orthopedics DJO Volume 3 issue -2 2006
- Acromio-Clavicular Joint Injuries —Punjab Journal of Orthopedics PJO volume Vlll No-2, December 2006
- Controversial Issues in management of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Handbook for Arthroscopy Learning Centre, New Delhi
- The timing of Acute Rotator Cuff Repair - Punjab Journal of Orthopedics Volume X , No-I , December 2008
- Anatomical Double bundle ACL Reconstruction -Delhi Journal of Orthopedics January 2009 Issue
- Textbook of orthopedics surgery by Jaypee publication 2004 - reference to my paper in volume-2
- Lecture -23 rd Annual Meeting of Arthroscopy association of North America Apri122- 25 2004, Orlando, Florida (U S A)
Dr.Inderpreet Education
- MBBS - Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak
- MS - Orthopaedics - Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences Rohtak
Dr.Inderpreet Experience
Dr.Inderpreet Registration
- 4520 Haryana State Medical Council 2009
- American association of Orthopaedic surgeons (AAOS )
- Asia Pacific Orthopedics Association (APOA)
- Orthopedics Association of SAARC Countries
- Indian Society for Knee and Hip Surgery ( ISKH )
- Delhi Orthopaedics association ( Past Editor )
- Indian Federation of sports medicine ( IFSM )
- Indian Association of Sports Medicine ( IASM ) ( Past Treasurer )
- Indian Arthroplasty Society
- Indian Arthroscopy Society (Past Secretary)
- Indian Orthopedic Association (IOA )
- Knee Replacement
- Joint Replacement Surgery
- Foot Assessment
- Foot Drop
- Foot Injury Treatment
- Shoulder Replacement
- Neuropathy Assessment
- Knee Arthroplasty
- Lower Extremity Wound Care
- Arthritis And Pain Management
- Knee Pain Treatment