Dr. Jay Prakash Neema
40 years of experience
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About Dr.Jay
Dr. Jay Prakash Neema is one of the most esteemed doctor in Ahmedabad.
Dr.Jay Specializations
- Radiologist
- Radiation Oncologist
Dr.Jay Awards
- Awarded International Cancer Technology Transfer Fellowship
- Overseas Development Administrative Fellowship by British Govt
- Second ICRETT fellowship by UICC
- Rameshwar Das Birla Smarak Kosh Fellowship by Bombay Hospital
- Third ICRETT fellowship by UICCF
- Puranik-Pradhan Fellowship by Association of Radiation Oncologist of India,
- Gunilla Bental Oration Award by Rajiv Gandhi Institute & Research Centre
Dr.Jay Education
- MD - Radiotherapy - Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore
- MBBS - Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Indore
Dr.Jay Experience
Radiation OncologistApollo Hospitals2018 - 2019
Dr.Jay Registration
- 4810 Madhya Pradesh Medical Council 1982
- Member of Consumer & Educational Research Society
- Life member of Association of Radiation Oncologist of India
- Breast Cancer Management
- Cardiac Mri
- Treatment Of Central Nervous System Tumors
- Stomach Cancer Treatment