Dr. Jayendra Purohit Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
29 years of experience
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About Dr.Jayendra
Dr. Jayendra Purohit is one of the most esteemed doctor in Rajkot.
Dr.Jayendra Specializations
- Dentist
- Dental Surgeon
- Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr.Jayendra Education
- BDS - KLE Societys Institute of Dental Sciences,Bangalore
- MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - KLE Societys Institute of Dental Sciences,Bangalore
Dr.Jayendra Experience
Dr.Jayendra Registration
- A1677 Gujarat State Dental Council 2001
- Artificial Teeth
- Bps Dentures Fixing
- Impaction Impacted Tooth Extraction