Dr. K P Morwani Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist
30 years of experience
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About Dr.K
Dr. K P Morwani is a reputed doctor in Mumbai with over 30 years of experience.
Dr.K Specializations
- Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist
Dr.K Awards
- President of The Association Of Otolaryngologists Of India 2000
- Examiner & Teacher for National Board of Examination, New Delhi (DNB)
- Best Video Award – Laser Partial arytenoidectomy- British Academy 2000
- Have produced various video cassettes and CD’s on Otology, Skull Base Surgery and Phonation surgery. (27 CD’s/DVD’s). Sold &Distributed more than 25000 copies.
- Felicitated by Dr Kirtane for contribution to the field of Otology as Teacherin 2005
- Felicitated as “Best Teacher of ENT in India” by Triple A Foundation. 2008
- Felicitated on the Anterior Skull Base Surgery Workshop as Best ENT Teacher of India at Jaipur. 2012
- Elected as Incoming President of Skull Base Society of India
Dr.K Education
- MS - ENT - Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai
- MBBS - Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai
Dr.K Experience
ConsultantDr BabasahebAmbedkar Central Railway Hospital2007 - 2019
Otologist, Laser Surgeon &PhonosurgeonLaddha ENT Hospital,2002 - 2011
Otologist, Skull Base & Laser SurgeonJain ENT Hospital2007 - 2012
Otologist, Skull Base & Laser SurgeonN. C. Jindal Hospital2007 - 2012
Dr.K Registration
- 67601 Maharashtra Medical Council 1991
- Association of Otoloaryngologists of India
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Indian Society of Otology
- Skull Base Surgery Society of India
- Neurological Society of India
- Mumbai West Suburban Branch of AOI
- Association of Medical Consultants
- Frontal Sinus Surgery
- Nasal Polypectomy
- Nasal Septum Surgery
- Otoplasty
- Surgery Of The Facial Nerve
- Tonsillectomy
- Tonsillitis Treatment