Dr. K. Sangeetha
Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
21 years of experience
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About Dr.K.
Dr. K. Sangeetha is a highly skilled doctor in Chennai.
Dr.K. Specializations
- Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Dr.K. Education
- MBBS - Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai
- DO - Regional Institute Of Opthalmology, Egmore
Dr.K. Experience
ConsultantPrem's Eye Clinic2004 - 2007
ConsultantVasan Eye Care, Saidapet2007 - 2012
ConsultantVasan Eye Care, Adyar2012 - 2016
ConsultantSmart Vision and Diabetes Clinic2016 - 2016
Dr.K. Registration
- 68349 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 2001
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- All India Ophthalmological Society
- Phacoemulsification Surgery
- Cataract Surgery