Dr. K Anita Sudhakaran Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
12 years of experience
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About Dr.K
Dr. K Anita Sudhakaran is a highly skilled doctor in Coimbatore.
Dr.K Specializations
- Dermatologist
- Hair Transplant Surgeon
Dr.K Awards
- Best case presentation in southzone, pondicherry 2014
Dr.K Education
- MBBS - Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
- MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy - PSG Institute of Medical Science & Research
Dr.K Experience
Postgraduate programPSGIMSR2013 - 2016
Dr.K Registration
- 94502 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 2011
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Laser Therapy
- Mole Removal
- Wart Removal